Chapter 22

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I am SO sorry for not updating for, like, forever! I got in trouble (oops) and my phone was taken, haha But IM BACK BABY
So without further or due, let the chapter begin!

Dipper's POV

I knew for certain that I couldn't go back up to the orb, because Bill would be on high security alert. But Eleanor thought I was dead...

That didn't matter. She would find me alive when I defeated Bill....
If I defeated Bill.

I gripped onto the stone statue of Mabel tightly and gathered up my backpack and the grappling hook. I stuffed it back in the backpack and slung it over my shoulder. "I'll save you." I said to the orb Eleanor was trapped in. I looked back at the statue. "I will." I raced off across the plains, not having any idea where I was going. I realized I was going to the Northwest mansion. I could feel myself begging and hoping that they were still home.

I raced up the hill and through the broken gates. I made it to the doors and knocked. "Hello? HELLO?!" I pressed my ear against the door in hopes that someone was there.

The doors swung inward and I backed away to find myself facing Pacifica. "Pacifica!" I cried. I ran up and hugged her. I really needed someone to be with me, not just a rock and a backpack.

"Whoa, Dipper?" Pacifica pulled away. "What are you doing here? The world ending!"

"I know." I breathed. "But my friend Eleanor has been captured by Bill! Mabel was turned to stone!" I showed her the statue.

Pacifica gasped and recoiled. "Her too? Everyone is being turned to stone by those eyeball-bat things... My parents were both turned too."

I put a hand on her shoulder. "I-I'm sorry. I can't even find my family."

Pacifica shook me off. "That doesn't matter. Why did you come here?"

"Because I was hoping that someone I knew was still alive!" I exclaimed.

Pacifica looked over my shoulder. "If you're looking for someone to help, I'm not the right person...I'm not going out there." Pacifica went to close the door.

"Wait! If you don't want to help, then fine, just let me in to rest for a bit." I begged.

Pacifica thought for a moment. "Ok, fine." She stepped aside and I walked in as she closed the doors. "So, who is this Eleanor girl? She new in town?" Pacifica asked, striking up a conversation.

The inside of the mansion was still in good condition except the fact that windows were broken and the ground was split open in random places. "Yeah," I answered, "she just moved here. I met her at the beginning of the summer."

Pacifica nodded. "Was she turned to stone too?"

I sat down on the floor. "No..." I sighed. "Bill captured her and chained her up."

"Why? Why not just turn her to stone like the rest?" She asked confused.

"Because..." I thought for a moment. "Because she's different. A whole thing went down before any of this happened. Eleanor played a part in it- unwillingly- and...well she's now 'special.'"

Pacifica sat down beside me. "What are you going to do?"

"I'm gonna save the world...probably." I stated firmly.

Pacifica sighed. "I hope you can..." She closed her eyes. "This has all gone very bad. That Bill guy...he's pretty scary."

I thought of Bill, holding Eleanor captive in there, how the journals were now burnt so he could enter the world. "Yeah...he is."

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