Chapter 31

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Eleanor's POV

Everything was spinning wildly. Everything was a blur of red and black. The tears wouldn't stop coming. I held onto his lifeless body as blood pooled out of the gaping hole that went straight through him. "DIPPER!" I squeezed tightly, not caring of what a bloody mess I was now. "Please... Please come back!" I squeezed my eyes shut tight, but the tears forced their way out. "How will I fix this now?!" I screamed. "How will I, Dipper?!" I looked up, tears making my vision swirl.

"Dipper please please!" I begged, like I expected him to wake up. His face was pale and his eyes closed lightly, like he was asleep. His lips were parted slightly, a trickle of blood trailing down the corner of his mouth.

I felt the wet, fresh tears running down my face and dripping off my chin. "I didn't want this..." I whimpered. "I would put those chains back on me for a million years if I could bring you back..." I whispered.

He didn't respond.

Of course he didn't. He was dead. "There was so much ahead of you." I managed to choke out. "So much..." I couldn't finish my sentence, I covered my face and sobbed.

"I-I'm sorry..." I cried. "I thought that we could do this..." My voice cracked and I hugged him. His lifelessness was oppressing. I could feel the stiffness of his soulless body.

What was he doing now? In Heaven, looking down at me in guilt to see me in pain. No Dipper... I thought. You shouldn't be guilty. It is me who is.

I didn't know how long I had been sitting there, holding his cold body. But I finally managed to pull away, my eyes stinging from tears and my throat sore from crying.

Dipper's hat was still on his head, blood splattered across it. I snatched it, feeling myself shattering apart. I took off my headband and placed it in Dipper's hand and I set his hat firmly on my head. The grief had turned to a bubbling rage. Rage and agony.

I stood up, my legs shaking and confidence dwindling. "I-I'll fix this. I promise....I-" I broke off, sobbing. "I'll fix this." I quickly leaned down and reached into his pocket, pulling out the Mabel statue. "I'll fix this for you as well..." My voice was choked by grief. I put the statue in Dipper's hands.

"I-I'll...." I looked at the way Dipper had come in. The way he would never leave again. "I will..."

I took one step away from him and I realized I was leaving his dead body here. But I couldn't revive him and bring him with me. I had never wanted to have those chains still around me so much. I made myself turn around and walk away.

I exited the bubble and into reality. I stumbled and found myself on the train tracks. I looked up and gasped in surprise. The world was in utter chaos. "Whoa..." I said as my wide eyes fought to take in all of the wonder. How am I going to fix this...? I realized that my only way to get down was to climb. I guess Dipper had been running up and down to me constantly. I found foot holds and clambered my way to the ground.

I finally dropped into the dirt and stared up at the orb. My stomach twisted as I thought of Dipper's dead body lying up there. I fixed Dipper's hat that was on top of my head and made my way to the forest. I hid in the cover, knowing that I was unprepared for whatever was out there.

The strange sky colors made the light eery and sickly as it rained down on the town. There was no sounds of people. Only strange alien-type creatures... I pushed aside some brush and found myself by the Mystery Shack.

I smiled, happy to see a familiar place. I pushed open the door which was slightly busted open, but the rest of the shack seemed untouched. I stepped inside and it was dark and musty. I could barley see anything. I walked towards the kitchen and grabbed some water and food. I gulped it down graciously and head about the shack. I climbed up the stairs and made it to the attic. I hesitated before opening the door.

I pushed it open. Their room was like before: Dipper's bed was made, while Mabel's wasn't. Her side of the room covered in posters and glitter while Dipper's had papers filled with theories.

I could just see them, in their current states, lying in bed. Mabel - a stone statue and Dipper - dead. I felt tears building up in my eyes and kneeled down on the wooden floor. I was trying to think. But nothing seemed to be working.

How would I defeat Bill? He had no known weaknesses. I closed my eyes tight and tried to make a plan, but all I could see was Dipper with the bloody hole right in the center of him. My eyes snapped open and I sobbed in my hands.

This wasn't going to work.

"Oh Arrow,"

I screamed and scrambled backwards, but realized nothing was in front of me. My back suddenly pressed against something. There was something behind me. I shrieked and looked up to see Bill looking at me.

I stood up and backed away. "L-leave me alone!" I cried.

Bill blinked and examined his fingers. "I don't see why you're so upset. He was going to die eventually." The shock that was on Bill's face earlier had vanished. There wasn't a trace of it.

My face turned red with fury. "You killed him! You're a murder!"

Bill scoffed. "No, I'm a demon."

I felt myself on the brink of crying again. "Why are you doing this?!"

Bill narrowed his eye at me. "Global domination has always been my childhood dream, kid. Learn to except it."

"Except what exactly?" I spat.

"That some people acquire true dreams, while others..." He made a hologram of me and Dipper appear in his hand and it suddenly transformed into a butterfly and flew away, "they just flutter away." He made the butterfly catch fire and the ash fell to the ground.

My eyes were stinging with tears. "You're evil! And you think that'd I'd join you!" I screamed.

Bill nodded. "Uh, yeah."

I glared at him. "Never! I'll find a way to fix this!"

Bill rolled his eye. "Sure. Just like Pine Tree did. He sure accomplished much."

I wanted to say that Dipper tricked him into freeing me, but I knew it was better to keep my mouth shut. "Fine. You win." I growled, but I knew I wouldn't stop fighting.

Bill smirked at me. "Perfect! Let's see how long you hold onto what you just said." Bill waved. "Bye-bye!" And he vanished.

I screamed and stomped my feet angrily. "UGH!" I walked over and flopped onto the floor. "This sucks." I shrieked. I looked over at Mabel's bed and then at Dipper's. My anger cooled down and I lowered my gaze. "I'm sorry I'm such a failure, guys." I said to the empty room. "But...I'm trying as hard as I can..." I closed my eyes shut tight.

I sat there for a moment, in the silence. Thinking about everything. I wanted this to end soon, but I knew that if I gave up fighting, I'd regret giving up in defeat. I'd go down fighting.

I had never seen anyone die as heroically as Dipper had. He had given up his life for me. I would never forget him. I took off his hat and stared at it in remorse. The side of Dipper's hat was still spattered in blood. His blood. I felt my eyes watering, but I wiped the tears away. I had done enough crying for today, for any other day after this. I fitted it back on my head and stood up.

I knew that I wouldn't be able to push this behind myself, but it certainly would drive me forward. I took a deep breath and looked back at their room. I didn't know what to say to this empty space, I just felt sorrow and walked out.

I raced down the stairs and cracked open the front door. The coast was clear. "Ok, we gotta go find something." I'd have to find a way to use this grief to make me persistent. I then dashed out of the shack.

I didn't even know Bill was watching me.

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