Chapter 32

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Eleanor's POV

Ok. Going out of the shack was a bad idea. I was running around, screaming my head off as I was repeatedly was chased by the eyeball bats and other supernatural creatures. I finally found shelter in a an old animal den in the forest. I had to crouch down in the stone and mud. My clothes were now encrusted with Dipper's blood. I took off his hat, staring at it in the dim light. A loud boom of thunder rang through the sky. It was going to rain soon.

I clutched onto it, my heart shattering. I wanted him here. I should have known I wouldn't have been freed without a price.

But I didn't know the price was Dipper's life.

Bill had no weaknesses... At least, he had no known weaknesses. Dipper told me how they had defeated him in the mind, but this wasn't the Mind Scape. This was the was the real world, Reality.

"Dipper..." I whispered quietly. "I'm sorry I was an idiot that day. I'm sorry that I had listened to Bill..." I felt my eyes watering, but I refused to cry anymore.

If only I had known to stop him so long ago.

"I just wish I could redo everything." I curled up and at last, and fell asleep.


I woke up when a wet feeling slid down my back. I shrieked and shot up. The den was dark, but there was a sticky wetness all around me. "What is this?!" I cried out on confusion. It was too dark to tell. I lifted up my hands, covered in dark liquid. I squinted at it when suddenly a bright light flashed, like a fire was outside.

My hands were red, covered in blood. I screamed and scrambled back as the den filled up with blood...

I shot up screaming in the den. Rain water was pooled around me, soaking my clothes. My heart was racing, even though I was shivering from the water, I was sweating like mad. I took deep breaths and brought my hands to my head, to make sure Dipper's hat was still with me.

God... I thought in fear. I usually never had these types of dreams. Water was pooling in the den, and I had to slosh through it to climb out. The mud was slick and coated my arms and legs. I finally climbed out. The wind blew the rain sideways, spattering into my face. I shielded myself and stumbled against a tree trunk. I prayed this rain wasn't poisonous. I walked around blindly in the rain that whipped across the forest. My clothes were soaked and my hair was plastered to my skin. The memory of the cave filling with blood made me shiver, and not from the rain.

I held tightly onto Dipper's hat as I walked through the high winds and rain. If the chaos was getting worse, I would have major doubts on what I could do to save this world....


Hours later the rain still poured down hard. I was huddling under a cluster of trees, giving me minor shelter. I was breathing hard, my limbs numb. I felt like just giving up and falling asleep, but the longer I waited, the longer this chaos would reign. I slouched against the tree behind me, shivering from the cold and wetness. I pulled off Dipper's hat, still lightly stained with blood. I wrung it out so the water dripped onto the forest floor. I wrung out my hair next and plopped the hat back on my head.

I hugged my knees, closed my eyes as I fought back tears. If I would to transport back to the beginning of this summer, I wouldn't imagine myself, huddle under a tree covered in rain and blood as I morned my friend's death. "When will this be over?" I sobbed to myself.

I put my hands to my face, trying not to cry. "This...this is all so awful." I sniffled and blinked. "Please...let this end." I begged.

Someone suddenly grabbed my hand, warm and familiar. I looked up shocked, my face wet with tears. The person wore a red t-shirt, gray shorts and a blue vest and a strange birthmark on his forehead. It was...Dipper? I screamed in happiness. "DIPPER!" I wept on him. "You're ALIVE!" I hugged him tightly. "I can't believe it!" I cried on him, holding him firmly. "I thought you were dead!"

Dipper didn't respond. I clung onto him, the belief that he was actually alive was incredible. He wasn't dead! Dipper, you're here. You're here... "I love you." I said as I hugged him tightly. I drew away, and held his hands. "I thought you were gone!" I grabbed him and kissed him.

Dipper seemed shocked, but I didn't draw away, I kissed him for what seemed like forever. The familiar feel of him made my heart spring. I wiped my tears away and pulled away from his lips. "I thought-" I opened my eyes and when I did, I was facing Bill in his human form.

All the happiness that had been inside of me drained onto the floor. My entire body broke down. I screamed and shoved him away and I fell against the tree. "NO!" I felt like someone had dumped ice-water over my head.

Bill smirked at me. "I thought it'd be worth seeing you smile for a little bit." Bill pulled at the cuffs of his coat.

I felt a horrible nausea rush over me. "Why would you do that?! What is wrong with you?!" I screamed. "You just keep torturing me and tearing me apart! I'm losing my mind!" I shrieked.

Bill shrugged. "What do you expect from me, Eleanor."

I froze when he said my real name.

"I'm a demon. It's who I am." Bill looked up at me with his strange eye.

I swallowed back my pain. "You are twisted and messed up. Get away from me." I felt horrible for kissing him...again. Again.

I turned to run, but he grabbed my wrist. I gasped fearfully as he spun me towards him. "Eleanor, listen up. You obviously aren't thinking about my deal. You join me, I free your little friends."

I took deep breaths. "No! You'll trick me!"

"Everything that I had said then, it is written down just for you." He made a contract appear in his hand. It had, word for word, what he said he'd grant me if I took the deal.

Bill pulled me close to him and I grimaced at his touch and spoke. "I know you just like me and you want me to like you too." I spat.

Bill smirked. "That's what you think..." He sighed.

"That's what I know! That's why you keep trying to kiss me you jerk!" I tried to push him away, but he held me by my wrists, making it all to memorable of the chains.

"Take the deal," Bill said and a golden quill appeared in my hand. At the bottom of the contract was a line for me to sign, "and I'll hold up my end of the bargain. You won't be a demon, Arrow. You'll just be with me."

I felt tears burning in my eyes. I held the quill in my hands. It's time to choose...

Bill smiled. "Yes indeed," he replied as he read my thoughts.

I took a deep breath. This depends on everything, Eleanor. I held the quill steadily. Sorry guys.

I swished the quill over the paper and signed Eleanor Gennings on the line.

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