Chapter 21

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Dipper's POV

How was I going to fix this? I need to get Mabel to be a person again. I also needed to free Eleanor. I had dragged Mabel out of the clearing and behind a wall so no one saw her and got any ideas of what to do with her petrified body. They could smash her for all I knew, and I couldn't let that happen.

"Maybe a magic of some type would work?" I asked her.

Eleanor shook her head. "No...these chains are made by Bill. They are resistant to any other type of magic, but his own."

I nodded. "What can I do to Mabel? Is there a way to change her back, a way to bring her with me?"

Eleanor thought for a moment. "I don't know... It's not like you can just carry her in your pocket."

I jolted. That's it! "I know what I can do! I can shrink Mabel with the crystals in the forest and bring her along with me so she can't be found!"

Eleanor nodded. "Good, now get going!"

I took out the two walkie-talkies that were meant for me and Mabel and handed one to Eleanor. "If anything happens to you or to Mabel- anything at all-contact me."

Eleanor sighed and grabbed onto the walkie-talkie. "Ok, got it."

I took a deep breath. "Be right back." I turned and ran to the spot I had fallen through and jumped through it. I ran across the tracks and climbed down the mountain quickly, but steadily. I raced into the forest as fast as I could. If I could get there and back without being spotted, that'd be great. I reached deep within the forest and stopped running. This part of the forest didn't seem to be effected too much by the weirdness stuff.

I looked ahead and saw a root jutting out of the ground, a perfect foot-tripper. I smiled. This was where I had fallen last time when I was trying to find the crystals in the first place. I jogged down the slope and found the giant crystals. "Boo yeah." I said as I dug one out of the ground. I taped it to my flashlight like I had done so long ago. Time to go back.

I turned around and jumped. A giant squirrel with razor teeth and webbed wings stood in front of me. Drool dripped out of its jaws. "I-I..." I tried to back away. So this is how it ends, huh, Dipper? Death by squirrel.

The squirrel growled at me and got ready to leap at me. I fumbled for the flashlight. The creature leapt at me. I screamed and pressed the flashlight button and the shrink-light burst on. The squirrel froze for a second and began to shrink and shrink till it was about as big as my pointer finger.

The squirrel landed onto my arm. Dejá vu of that mountain lion. The squirrel yowled and tried to scratch me, but it's claws were barely long enough. I shook the squirrel off so it was flung to the ground. The squirrel suddenly spoke. "BILL! BILL! PINE TREE! PINE TREE!!!"

"Oh God." I raced out of that forest faster than I could have imagined. I desperately scrambled up the mountain to reach the rails. I saw the floating pyramid flicker. Bill was coming. Hopefully it would take him a while to track me here. I raced down the tracks and crashed through the orb.

Everything spun around and I was thrown to the ground. I desperately got to my feet and made my way towards Eleanor.

"Eleanor! Bill! Bill knows I'm here!" I screamed.

Eleanor looked at me wildly. "What? How?"

"This stupid squirrel!" I said angrily.

"A squirrel?" She said in confusion.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll tell yah later sometime." I muttered. I went behind the wall and pulled out the flashlight.

Mabel, still frozen in a scream, stood still and silent. Part of me thought that if I pointed this light at her that it would make her unfreeze, not shrink. I shook that out of my head. She'll be fixed later...

The Beginning: I've Fallen Into His Hands (Gravity Falls Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now