Chapter 43

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Eleanor's POV

The entire time we were walking, I was distracted. I kept searching for Blendin and my thoughts wanted to run rampage, but I couldn't, because of Bill.

"Is something wrong, Arrow?" Bill asked as we were walking back.

I snapped out of my searching. "Oh, uh, no. No. Nothing's wrong."

Bill looked doubtful and was obviously angry my thoughts weren't giving him any leeway. "Ok..." He replied, unconvinced.

I tried to pull my mind away from Blendin and fiddled with the golden arrow bracelet Bill told me to never take off. I wonder why... I thought, but I knew not to ask him. We walked up the translucent steps and entered the castle (which had far more cleaner and breathable air).

"You can return to your room." Bill flashed a smile.

I hesitated. "A-actually I'm really hungry."

Bill's gaze lit up. "Ok! I'll get some food! Wait right here!" Bill zipped off excitedly and I chuckled to myself at his readiness to please me.

I waited, alone, and my thoughts tried to push through. I couldn't think about it or Bill would find out... I closed my eyes and tried to push it away. I focused on bringing up a fonder memory, when the vision of Dipper's dead body flashed in front of me.

My eyes flew open and I felt like crying. "If he really liked me...he'd bring Dipper back..." I held myself and squeezed my eyes tighter in pursuit to throw that memory away too...

"I'm back!" Bill said cheerfully. He skipped his way over and halted when my thoughts reached his mind. "Arrow...are you ok?"

I felt the tears forcing through and I shook my head. Bill walked up and hugged me tightly as I wept. Guilt and pain felt fresh again... "Why don't you just bring him back?" I sobbed.

Bill didn't respond.

"Bill!" I glared at him and wiped my tears away. How pathetic of me... "Why?!"

Color rushed to Bill's cheeks and he looked away. "That-that wasn't a part of the deal."

"So! Couldn't you just do this for me?!" Rage began to bubble up inside of me.

Bill swallowed hard. "I have food set up, come on."

I put my foot down. "No! Answer my question!"

Bill seemed quite embarrassed. "That doesn't matter right now!" He growled  angrily.

" does." My tone was terse. I couldn't bear the guilt that I was the reason he was dead any longer.

Bill's skin suddenly turned red with anger. "Come eat! I set it all up!" He snatched my wrist and I gasped with fear as he drug me towards the dining room.

"Bill! Let go!" I screamed and fought against him, but he was stronger and eventually he made it to the dining room. "I hate you! Why won't you bend Dipper back?!" I made sure not to cry, my voice was going to remain steady.

"Because." Bill was still red, but he sat down stiffly.

Bill used his magic and forced me to sit. I glared at him across the table and thought the most horrible things towards him. Bill visibly made the angry color on his skin vanish and he sighed. "Ok, I have foods of plenty!"

I reluctantly looked at all the food. Turkey and cake and mashed potatoes (YUS I love mashed potatoes <3) and all types of appetizers. "You know, it's not Thanksgiving...right?" My tone was still sour.

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