Chapter 23

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Dipper's POV

How did Bill always manage to find me?! He'd probably find me soon. I needed to get home. It was about fifteen minutes away. I gathered up everything I had and began to run.

"Mabel, if I don't un-stone you, I'm sorry. I tried." I said for some reason. It wasn't like I was gonna die or anything. I raced through the forest. Well, if I was going to go on saying these types of things, why not continue? "And Eleanor, if I fail, I'm sorry that you'll be trapped forever."

I guess that saying stuff like this was was the end of the world. If I wasn't able to defeat Bill, we were all lost. No one knew Bill like Eleanor and I did, and Eleanor was chained up.

It was up to me to stop him. I wouldn't be able to run straight for fifteen minutes,
I wasn't a track star. The air was acrid and thick, making it even harder to breath. And also with the ground being so lopsided and demented, it was hard to get proper footing without falling flat on your face.

I paused in the middle of the forest to take a breather. I took out my walkie-talkie and stared at it. If I tried to talk to Eleanor, would it even work? Was her's broken? Did Bill have it? Even if Eleanor did pick up, would it even be Eleanor? All of these doubts slowed me down.

No, I could wait. I put it back in my backpack and took a small bite of the chocolate bar Pacifica gave me. At least she was useful this time. I sipped a tiny bit of water from my single water bottle. It was weird to have to ration my water and food supplies. I was used to not having to worry about starving or dying of thirst, it was weird having to be happy with that tiny sip I got that still left my mouth dry.

What would my parents say if they saw Mabel and me and this whole place? Were they alive still? Did the weirdness stuff hit them yet in California? What if I just got up and left Gravity Falls? Would I escape the catastrophe? Would I be able to go back to a normal life?

I picked out the Mabel statue and stared at it. But if I did that, I'd be a coward. I would have left my friend to die and left Mabel to stay like this forever. I tightened my grip on the tiny figure. I couldn't leave...because I cared.

I glared over my shoulder into the chaotic mixed colors of the sky. I knew it may be impossible to defeat Bill, but I had to be the hero and save the world... I took a deep breath and began to run again.

A 1 B C 3. A 1 B C 3. I repeated to myself. I couldn't believe that this secret room behind the vending machine had been there all along! What if I had accidentally typed in that code somehow when I was getting candy? Would it have opened up and everything would be different?

Well, if Stan didn't know about it, I guess it didn't matter that much. I swerved through the forest in desperation of reaching the shack.

If Eleanor was right, the futuristic stuff would be there that I could potentially use to stop Bill. But that was no guarantee. That 'futuristic' stuff could just be simple gadgets that wouldn't do anything to harm. Stupid.

I fumbled on the ground while running and fell straight to the forest floor. I yelped and then groaned in pain. Dammit. I thought angrily. The last thing I need was to get hurt again.

I stood up slowly and and raised my head. I screamed and fell backwards as I found Bill floating in front of me.

"Well. Well." Bill said slowly. "I was almost certain that flinging you over a hundred feet above the ground, through a wall, would have killed you, kid!" He exclaimed.

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