Chapter 9

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Dipper's POV

I wished so badly that I could talk to Mabel, so that I could comfort her. I was desperate. I ended up just sitting on the roof of the shack as I made myself think on how I could do this. It was literally impossible to get Bill out of my body. I was stuck this way until he willingly gave me my body back. I peeked through the roof and I saw Mabel pouting on her bed.

I sighed and flew through the roof and down beside her. I landed beside her and studied her. Her gaze was sour and sorrowful. "Mabel..." I whispered even though she couldn't hear me. "I'm sorry that you're alone, but I'm still here watching you."

I put my hand on her shoulder, but it passed right through her and left me feeling horribly unsettled. I held my jaw steady, but I felt the tears building up. Why couldn't I have just had a normal summer? Why couldn't I have just never found that journal? I wish Mabel could see me, I wish I was there so I could just cry on her shoulder and she would sooth me. But I wasn't. I let the tears trail weakly down my face.

"God, I'm so sorry Mabel..." I swallowed back the pain. "I'm so so sorry..." I got up and went over to the window. I glanced over my shoulder to see if she maybe heard or even saw me, but she sat on her bed, her gaze as blank as ever. I sighed. "I give up..." And I floated out of the room.

Eleanor's POV

The next day I was ready. I would have to go and get that journal. A new disguise would suffice. If I went as Pine Tree, Stan's reaction would certainly be entertaining if he caught me. I dressed up as Pine Tree and snuck over to the shack. I peeked in and casually walked through the gift shop. I made sure the cost was clear before I slipped in and waltzed down stairs.

I happily leapt onto the elevator and waited as it descended. Great, I'll just grab the journal and bring it back to Bill. Then I'd only have one to go. The elevator set down and opened up. I smiled as I walked into the dim light. I fished around the office and smiled when I saw a book lying open on a counter. I raced over quickly and looked at the cover. Journal 2.

"YES!" I exclaimed and was surprised to hear Dipper's voice instead of mine. I was about to leave when a bright swirling light caught my eye.

I walked through the doorway and saw the portal. It was just as I had remembered it. It was still right-side-up triangle from when I brought Bill into this world. The colors were swirling blue and whites. I stood and admired it. I had brought Bill here and made everything possible.

I smiled at the thought of Bill completing his great plans. I couldn't believe I used to hate him. I flinched. I hated him before...before-

I shook my head and stumbled back. Before what?! I backed away from the portal and raced back and went up the elevator. Once I raced to the top of the stairs I peeked out and made sure no one was looking. I closed it behind me.

"Dipper!" I flinched and looked up to see a red-head, that girl I had first met when I had come to Gravity Falls...


She raised an eyebrow and that's when I saw her name tag. Wendy. I clenched my teeth together. "W-Wendy I mean. Just, uh, joking." I put on a fake smile.

"I haven't seen you in a while, what have you been doing?" Wendy asked as she leaned against the counter.

I stiffened up and put the journal into his vest. "Oh, um...just mystery hunting and stuff. I guess."

Wendy smiled. "My friends and I are going down to the lake tomorrow for some diving 'cause Thompson found this weird map. I know you're, like, obsessed with that type of stuff, so you wanna come?"

I bit my lip. "Actually, I have a lot more things to do..." Wait. Wendy. It was that girl Dipper had a crush on for a while! A maniacal smile spread across my face. "I'll think about it." I walked up closer. This would be fun. "So, I just want you to know that I've had this huge ridiculous crush on you for most of the summer."

Wendy laughed awkwardly. "Um, oh, really?"

"Really-really!" I leaned against the counter. "By the way, thanks for inviting me." I winked at her and strolled out of the gift shop.

I could feel her confused and shocked gaze following me. As soon as the door closed I burst out laughing. I should do this more often. I had to go to the lake tomorrow. That would certainly be a little scene. I couldn't stop laughing, poor Pine Tree's life was hilarious.

"Dipper? What are you doing?"

I looked up and saw Shooting Star peaking out of her window. I stopped laughing immediately. "Oh, I just pulled off a little prank."

"Prank?! Dipper, your body is currently being inhabited by our arch rival and you want to pull a prank?!" Mabel seemed horrified.

"Pft, it doesn't matter. I want to enjoy my last days of life." I said smoothly.

"You're not gonna die are you?!" Shooting Star cried.

"Ha, no." I slipped my hands into my pockets. "I gotta go before Bill returns or whatever." I walked off.

"Dipper! Are you ok?! DIPPER?!"

I ignored Shooting Star's calls and went to deliver the journal to Bill.

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