Chapter 4

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Eleanor's POV

It was so weird to not be able to hide in the mindscape with Bill. It was even stranger to look at Bill and see Pine Tree instead. Bill seemed angry as he marched in Pine Tree's body.

"What is it Bill?" I asked as I floated next to him.

"I hate being weak." He spat.

"When are you able to become human again?" I asked. I was infuriated when he said he wasn't able to stay human with me. I felt so hungry, but I couldn't kill Shooting Star. Stupid deal. I had to follow it or Pine Tree got his body back and Bill was banned to the mindscape in his original form. That was the worst part.

"Never...probably." I could here the reluctance in his voice as he spoke.

"Bill, I'm starving!" I complained.

"Then go kill somebody, I have to focus on my plans." He said. "I need all the journals, I need to destroy Pine Tree's journal, but Pine Tree didn't have it...and I don't know where the others are." He said stiffly.

"I could kill someone...but what if I help you find the journals." I said.

Bill looked at me, or, well, Pine Tree looked at me.  "Fine, but I'll tell you when you can come to me. I'm going to be busy." He said maliciously.

I nodded. "Thank you." I quickly flew over to the Mystery Shack. I got there just in time to see Mabel close the door to the house. I smiled and flew up to the window and looked through it carefully. Mabel just opened the attic room door and flopped onto her bed. I saw her crying heavily in her bed. Ok...Bill taught me some good tricks that I could perform since I had more power in human form. Bill would have gladly done the tricks he taught me but he didn't have enough power and when he did have enough power, he was stuck in the mindscape in his true form. Ha, I was more capable of doing stuff than Bill was.

I looked at Mabel and I saw her close a sketch pad a put it in her drawer. Good, lets do this. I floated to the ground and made a suit appear, a costume of Pine Tree. I smiled and slipped into it. I performed some magic that made me the same size and with a simple voice modification, I was Dipper. I floated up to the window and I pretended to be Dipper crawling up.

"M-Mabel!" I cried like I was actually Dipper.

Mabel's head shot up and her eyes were wide. "Dipper? No, Bill, leave me alone!"

"No! Mabel! I only have a little bit in my body! Please!" I begged.

When Mabel got up and opened the window, I knew I had won the act. I pretended to tumble in. "Mabel! Where is my journal! I need it, quickly!"

"Dip, you told me to hide it so Bill couldn't find it...." She sounded confused.

"MABEL! I don't have much time! Please!" I begged.

Mabel finally nodded and ran to the hiding place. I smiled devilishly. Gullible fool. Mabel returned from the hiding space with journal 3. I sighed.

"Thank you Mabel." I said more calm.

"What are you going to do?" She asked

"Mabel, I'd love to tell you, but I have to go before Bill comes back! I'm sorry!" I crawled back out the window and jumped down. I waved good bye and ran into the forest where she couldn't see me. As soon as I was out of sight I made the suit disappear.

"Yes! I did it!" I said happily. Now I would have to find the other journals. I paused. Stan! He had them! That's right! He had them in the secret room when I made the portal function for Bill. I smiled and stuffed the journal in my coat and snuck back to the shack. I put on an invisibility spell that would be stable for only a couple minutes and I raced to the gift shop. I made sure no one was there. I opened the door and typed in the code. I flew down quickly and looked around. The invisibility spell wore off and I came back into view.

I peeked into the room and went to search when I saw Stan. I froze and backed up. Darn it. I couldn't converse with Stan, that would have major consequences and it would most likely mess up Bill's plans if he knew I even existed. I clenched my jaw. Maybe I could pretend to be someone else? No...I could become I could put him to sleep. No...then he'll wake up and be curious and notice something wrong. Dang it. Dang. It. I had no choice, but have to wait until Stan was gone and I'd also have to ask Bill if it was ok to take the journals without notification.

I growled silently and flew back up. I came out of the vending machine and sighed. I would have to wait. I walked forward silently when I heard the creak of wood. I whipped around with a magically made gun in my hand. I saw Mabel scream and fall back.

"You can't hurt me!" She whimpered. "You have to leave me alone!" She scrambled backwards.

I made the gun disappear since it was practically useless. I walked up to her and stared her in the eyes. She winced and scooted back. "What are you doing here?" She asked meekly.

I shrugged. "Work, my job. You'd better get used to seeing me, even when your eyes close shut." I said evilly.

Mabel leaned away and I could see myself reflected in her eyes. I could see myself. Me... I leaned back up in surprise and shook my head. That was weird... I glared at Mabel and flew out completely casually. At least I could tell Bill the success with journal 3.

He'd be very pleased.

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