Chapter 28

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Dipper's POV

It had been a day since Bill had come into the orb and I had ran away like a coward. At least, I thought it had been a day. The concept of time had been jumbled up a while ago. Now, I was hiding in a giant cluster of boulders that formed a small cave, barely big enough to fit me. I coward inside of it as I looked up at the chaotic colors of our sky.

I felt guilty that I had all the food and water while Eleanor was up there all chained up. Not a second passed that I didn't feel guilty. If I still had the journals...I would have eventually found a way to defeat Bill, but now I was just a regular kid on summer vacation that got ruined, because a Dream demon brought Weirdmageddon upon us and is making the world go insane.

I scooted out of my hiding place and walked into town. I had to find somebody. I passed the bowling store from when I did 'Dipper's Guide to the Unexplained: Lefty'. As I walked farther down, I neared the mall and decide to enter it. There was possible civilization in there. I reached it without a problem and pried the doors open so I squeeze in.

"Hello?" I called, hoping for a voice to answer, but it was silent. I walked farther down. The second floor was completely covered in debris and on the right, the second floor had collapsed all together. I began to climb up the remnants of the second floor and reached the top.

I walked into a candy store and ran inside. "Hello." I whispered even quieter. Good. I began shoving the candy in my backpack eagerly. Something suddenly whistle by my ear. I shot up, startled as I saw an arrow stick into the wall.

I dove out of the way and hid behind a candy rack. "Please! I'm not a monster! I'm just a kid trying to get candy!" I blurted out pretty inanely.


I peered around the candy rack and saw Wendy. She was holding a cross bow in one hand and had here flannel jacket tied around her waisted. One of the sleeves was ripped off and tied around her head. "Wendy!" I exclaimed and ran up and hugged her. "I thought everyone was-"

"No dude, it's fine. I've been hiding in here since it happened." Wendy quickly interrupted. "What are you doing here? I thought for sure you'd be taken, no offense."

I sighed. "I've been dodging around town this whole time, trying to save my friends."

"Where's Mabel? Was she captured?" Wendy asked.

I held in my sob as I pulled out her statue.

Wendy gasped in horror. "Oh God...she did get captured." Wendy then flinched. "How did you get her?" She asked.

I looked down to the ground. "I found her statue in..this place where my other friend is captured."

Wendy blew a piece of hair out of her face. "I can't believe that triangle guy or the bats haven't found you yet. Were you just running around in the open?"

"I wouldn't say that I wasn't found..." I lightly touched the shackle unknowingly as I said that, but Wendy noticed.

"What's that?" She backed away one step.

"I-um..Bill put this tracking device on me. I've tried to get it off, but-"

"Tracking device?!" Wendy exclaimed. "Dude! He knows you're here! He'll find you-both of us!"

"I'm sorry! I have no where to go!" I cried.

Wendy's gaze softened. "Here, come with me, I'll show you my hide out so we can talk."

Wendy took my hand and pulled me away.

Eleanor's POV

I sat on the black tile, still chained up, as I braided my hair in a bored fashion. It actually wasn't too bad in here. I wasn't being attacked or in the middle of chaos, I was simply chained up.

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