that horrible day

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I ignored everyone the rest of the day.
I just stayed in my bunk, trying to get the thoughts I had away. My suicide thoughts, the ones who broke me so much a year ago.

Even when we arrived at the hotel, I didn'd talk to them when they tried, I ignored their apologies and questions and went into my room, them following me.

I just lied on bed, facing the wall till they finalg gave up and went downstairs to grab something to eat.

I sigh when the door closed and began to pack my stuff out and take a shower, I take a green flannel, a greenday shirt and black skinny jeans with some black converse and a beany.

I put some black glasses on to cover my red puffy eyes from the crying and take my black backpack and walk out of the hotel, searching for a place to ear.

I walk inside a starbucks and get myself some coffee and a sandwich, taking it back with me befor they knew I was gone or when I get noticed by people. I'm not in the mood to meet fans.

When i walk outside i see some paparazzi and begin to walk faster. I bend my head down when I walk past them but they notice me.

They begin to walk after me and taking pictures till they stopped infront of me, blocking my way.

"Hailey, Hailey, how goes the tour so far?" A woman askes when another man takes pictures.

"Good, can you guys please leave me alone?" I mumble, scratching my hand, making another try to walk past them.

"One more question, do you and Luke are together?" The woman askes again. I stop and turn around, making a weird face.

"No why should we?"i ask confused. How do they come with this? Me and Luke? Never. He maybe be my 'fangirl love' but he isn't any kind of boyfriend material.

"Because of the pictures of you guys, the one when you have his jacket on and he has a arm around you and the one when he carries you on his back and the one from last ni..." she begins but I stop her.

"Luke and i aren't together, we are friends. I'm not dating anyone and just want to focus on my carreer first" I snap at her."So bye" i mumble and walk past the woman and walk back to the hotel.

I look at my phone and see that I had 30 missed calls. I sigh and put my phone back and walk inside the hotel.
When i enter my room everybody is in there, the first thing I noticed was Luke sitting on my bed with his hands in his hair, looking stressed as fuck.

"Hailey!" Calum screams when he sees me, beginning to run to me and hugs me."Where have you been? We were so worried!" He mumbles in my neck.

"Getting food" i mumble and i shake his arms of me and walk to my bed and put my headphones in. Closing my eyes.

"Why are you being so bitchie?" Amber askes, sitting on my bed and scrunching her nose.

"Leave me alone!" I yell and put the sound of my music louder so I can't hear them.
I look up and see that everybody leaves the room.

I open the bag and take my coffee taking a sip of it while I lean my head back against the bedframe.
Suddenly i feel that someone sits beside me on my bed and put my headphones out.I look to the side and see it's Luke, a small smile formed on his lips.

"What do you want" i mumble, taking another sip and place my cup away.

"What's going on?" He askes while he puts his arms around me and force with his hand to look at him. "Still that singing thing?"

I begin to cry while he puts my head on his chest and puts his arms stronger around me, placing his chin on my head, placing small kisses on it.

"Don't be sad" he mumbles in my ear.
"When you're ready you can tell me every thing"

"Okay" i sniff.After 10 minutes crying i put my head up
he wipes a tear from my cheek with his thumb, smiling yo me.

And then i begin to talk about that horrible day.

Flash back.

I stand on the stage and look at the public. The competition for children from 7 till 10 years old, european champions.I begin to sing my favorite song and everybody listen to me with a smile.

I just love to sing, i just want to sing all day. Then there comes a scream from the back and a second after that there are shot sounds.

More screams, i just stand there and watch. I see people run away and in the back a man lying on the ground, he doesn't move, blood around his body.

A man comes over to me and try to pull me back but a shot sound again and i fall down.
Heavy pain and i scream it out.

Then it gets black......

I woke up, thinking if this was al a dream, but it isn't when i see that i'm at the hospital with my mom next to me and my brother on the other side.

I begin to cry and my mom too, what a bad day.

End of flash back.

"I don't know what to say.... wow that's pretty much" Luke saids and he looks at me."I'm happy you talked to me, i hope we can find a way to let you sing again" he smiles and he hugs me.

I smile, smile because i finaly told someone about it, maybe now... i can sing again without that horrible feeling.

Hey guys i'm so bad in english, sorry if you don't understand me or something.
I can't write and write in english lol xd.
My tutor just called me and i'm going to do the year over... *talks in sarcastic tone* oh i didn't know it.
I know it from a month befor the end of this school year.
Sooowww......Have a lovely day guys!!!

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