Welcome Jason

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Jason's POV

I woke up later in a bed with the 2 kids from earlier waiting around.

"W-where am I," I panicked.

"Jason, don't worry," Krystal told me "me and er, he are here to help." The boy, I guess I forgot to ask for his name, looked at Krystal but then back at me.

"We're in my room," the boy answered me. I looked around and it looked like, like a laboratory room?!

"You, you guys live in a lab," I panicked more.

Krystal rubbed her neck. "We might as well tell him," the boy said "my name is Skybrine. And Krystal's a lab hybrid."

"And when I injected the liquid into you," Krystal continued "it was too late and some of the wither blood already spreaded throughout your blood."

"We don't mind if you stay here," Skybrine insisted "nor if you decide to hide somewhere else."

"I want to stay," I decided "because now that I'm a hybrid with no idea how to use my powers, I'm a bigger target to... I don't want to talk about it."

"Don't worry, we can calm down with a nice loud game of Jurassic Park Arcade," Krystal smiled.

"You guys have that game," I said surprised. "Yeah, it's awesome," Skybrine replied "there's even a virtual reality world built for Krystal when she complains about the controls."

"Dude, it's the other way around," Krystal boasted "I'm totally boss in that game."

"Haha, sounds like a challenge," Skybrine said. "Well, what if it was," Krystal grinned at Skybrine with her eyes changing a little green.

Oh boy.

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