She Came For Me?

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Ty's POV

   I groaned as I felt a dry towel around me and my surroundings being warm. Wait, wasn't I supposed to be outside in the rain? I opened my eyes as my throat felt sore, really really sore. I could still hear the rain outside and noticed how I was in like this tent materialed walled hut with the top being an umbrella. I heard a cough tiny coughs as I looked to see Kira with her back to me and fast asleep.

   Did she really went to look more me? For me? I put my towel over her as I noticed she was a bit wet. I noticed the lamp in the center of the hut (I'm calling it a hut -3-). I scooted closer to it as I pulled Kira onto my lap as well. I coughed a bit and felt a bit dizzy as I noticed Kira slowly moving as her eyes fluttered open.

   "Kira, are you okay," I rasped. "Are you okay, your voice sounds horrible," Kira asked me. "I'm fine, now you," I told her, my voice still raspy. "Well, just a bit woozy," she told me "A bit cold and *coughs* my throat's a bit sore..." I noticed her dozing off a bit as I held her close to me. She opened her eyes more as she slowly got up.

   "We have to go home before," Kira spoke before pausing "b-before...... they........ worry too...." She collapsed as I caught her and laid her down and placed her head on my chest as I laid back and rested up.

She came for me...

She really did... *Coughs*

I really should rest as well.....

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