Rip Jasetta!

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Jason's POV

I had Lunetta in my arms now as the fire finally settled down. I held Lunetta close to me as she quietly cuddled into my chest. Moon was healing everyone and honestly I don't know what's wrong with Lunetta... I played with her hair as I notice Notch and Herobrine appeared.

"DAD, UNCLE," Skybrine exclaimed as he ran to Notch and Herobrine and hugged them both. "Oh look who I found," I heard Moon exclaim, dragging a familiar boy out of the bushes (BTW, Moon is like a couple inches taller than Charlie. "Fuck," he spoke. "Charlie," I growled. Moon then kicked some stuff like matches, gasoline, fire bombs out of the bush Charlie was in.

"HOW FUCKING DARE YOU," I exclaimed as I threw a wither skull straight at him, dropping Lunetta. Suddenly, Charlie's appearance changed as he also turned into a raven and flew away from Moon's hand. "Hahaha, see ya, suckers," he laughed as he flew off. Suddenly, a fire ball was thrown at him from besides me.

Lunetta was sitting up with a bit of fire from her hand. "I don't only have star powers you know," she mumbled. I was slightly scared by the cruel tone in her voice, but smiled and held out my hand for her. "Hey, great shot," I told her "Glad to see you awa-" I was cut off by the glare in her eyes, like when you see a light shine off a sword, but it was a shine of blood red as her eyes were narrowed.

It was pure silence as she got up herself, brushed off her skirt, and fucking slapped me in the face with her hair. It was completely silent other than a quick whimper from Moon. "So, seems you all made it quite fine," Notch smiled. "You guys could have stopped this all," Skybrine scolded Notch and Herobrine as he backed away "You could have stopped this fire and everything awful!"

"Apparently a test," Krystal mumbled. "Exactly, we do need to test your strengths, don't we," Herobrine spoke "Life is a game you know. We have to see if we have the best players." "So, where do we live now," Seto asked Notch. I heard Lunetta mumble something her breath that I couldn't catch.

"No Lunetta, 3 bad lucks for you in a row right now," Herobrine spoke "We need everyone under one roof." "Which is why I have a place for you all to stay," Notch continued, throwing Lunetta a map near her head, only to be caught with one hand and her hair probably covering her eyes.

"Her-," I tried to speak, but Notch and Herobrine were already gone. I sighed as I watched Lunetta look at the map then toss it to Krystal, who easily caught it. "I guess we better get going," Krystal sighed. "Is it a short trip," Husky asked. "Nope," Lunetta spoke with a sour tone. I watched as Vik slowly approached the burnt down building.

"Guys, maybe some stuff survived," Vik told us. "Doubt it," Lunetta growled. "Hey, cheer up a little," Husky smiled. I saw Lunetta snap her head towards Husky and spoke in a harsh tone "Are you telling me what to do!?" "Uh, n-no, j-just n-n-nevermind," Husky stuttered as he walked off to the building.

"Hey Lunetta," I spoke in a softer voice "I sure hope the project we were working on together is still there! Wouldn't like our hard work to go to waste..." I was waiting for a response, but instead of a glare, she didn't show her eyes. Like when those anime character have their hair hovering over their eyes and create a shadow to hide their eyes (And sometimes emotion). 

I hung my head in defeat as I walked on towards the burnt down building. There were a couple walls still standing in ruins and a bit of roof still up (probably not for long). I manage to get to the room where Lunetta and my lab was supposed to be. Couple walls standing, a bit of the lab shelves and tables intact, and I was in amaze as I looked at what was left on the table. The files, in fire proof plastic! I grabbed the file and quickly opened it to see all the notes me and Lunetta made, along with the original notes.

"Haha, wait til Lunetta sees this stuff," I told myself "She'll sure to be in a happy mood!" I was about to leave the lab when something caught my eye. I saw, where Lunetta was laying when the fire was in full destruction, a small bottle with pills. I slowly picked the bottle up and read the label.

"Lunetta's pills, don't touch," I read quietly "Purpose -------" I couldn't read the weird scribbles of pictographs or some kinds of symbols. Maybe these are why Lunetta was out cold. I put them into my pockets as I went to find Lunetta. I found her where the girl's room was and watched as she pulled out a familiar small shoe box. It was our friendship share box where we shared our favorite stuff!

I watched as she opened the tiny chest and had a small fire in her hand. "Lunetta," I exclaimed as I tackled her down and grabbed the box "What are you doing!?" "Fine, keep it," she growled "It's no use anyways." With that she shoved me off, got up, and walked off. "What is wrong with you," I exclaimed "What have I ever done to deserve this!?!?"

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