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Krystal's POV

I was surrounded by darkness. Taunting voices laughing, screaming, and scolding at me. I was just forever on falling from and into more darkness. The only thing keeping my sanity was myself.

I then found laying down in the field of tall grass my dreams always seems to start at. I quietly looked around when I saw someone who I wished never came into my dreams. Bill.

"Well hello Crystal Rose," he chuckled. I sighed "I feel like I'm a coma probably and you're either here to annoy me for keep me company. And honestly, I'm betting it's the first one, yet you'll say it's the second one."

"Huh, you're right somehow," Bill exclaimed "and I thought I was the only eye of everything." "Not really everything," I corrected him "And if we're hanging out for the time being of, a while I guess, I'd prefer here. It's soothing." "Well, said," Bill spoke as two chairs appeared, one just appearing and making me sit.

"On second thought," I mumbled as I twirled my finger and the field was just a small clearing of a thick forest surrounding us. And the endless sky was still endless but with stars and a moon. "Huh, I like the way you think," Bill chuckled as a small glass of wine appeared in his hand "So tell me about yourself."

I summoned a small flower Japanese cup with some mixed up tea juice in it (Cause, well, I like mixing stuff randomly), and took a sip. "Well, other than in my dream when I'm here," I started "I have my memories or personal informational memories with me at all times. And when I'm awake, those stuff is guarded for me and is pretty well protected. Nice try to get your hands on some of my memories and information Bill, but my sides know your secrets and shared them with me."

"Drats," Bill mumbled under his breath. "What else you wanna try," I asked. "You're pretty smart, I'll give you that," Bill spoke again, taking a sip of this wine through his eye (Which I found creepy) before speaking again "Why don we talk about something else, like everyday lives that I'm sure everyone know about?"

"Heh, better than fighting," I said out loud. "Yeah, I honestly don't wanna be erased out of this world too quickly," Bill laughed. I didn't understand what he meant by that, but I just threw the thought out.

"So, seems that your friend has a crush on you," Bill started talking. "Everyone knows that, I mean," I said, sipping some of my juice "It's pretty obvious, isn't it? I'm guessing you're waiting for me to ask 'Well, how did you know about that?' Then you'll say something like 'I'm everywhere and I've been keeping my eye on you' weren't you?"

"And now I'm wondering how you know so much," Bill questioned me. "Well, I did originate with mind reading abilities," I told him "But I got rid of that because it was annoying. I guess it gave me a small knowing sense upgrade to my empathy sense. I was Notch and Herobrine's first hybrid experiment."

"Oh right, the little Rebellious Rose," Bill recalled. "Yeah, now things changed over the time that the writer of this story has been writing this story," I spoke "And she doesn't really mind if I break the fourth wall every once and a while." I twirled around my finger as I heard a bit of music played in the background of our conversation.

"Hate the silence, huh," Bill asked me. "Silence is sometimes evil with it's eerieness," I replied "I bet you love that. So anyways, how about you?" "Well, other than being erased in a different universe," Bill spoke as he sipped more wine. "Huh, wanted more territory to 'have fun'," I smirked. "Huh, seems we have 2 eyes of the universe," Bill chucked. "And this eye is quite young for responsibility like that," I muttered.

"Hey, let me give you a secret here," Bill smirked "Just lend me your ear?" I literally threw a human ear at him that I summoned for fun and we both laughed. "Greet to have someone who understands my jokes," Bill laughed still "Wouldn't mind if take that joke for others to laugh--" "Or scream." "Yeah, or scream at?"

"Please, that's like one of the oldest jokes in the book already," I told him "It's literally in a thick book of 'Oldest Jokes Ever' that I found on the internet. Anyways, what were you gonna tell me?" 

"Well, that Notch and Herobrine aren't really the real gods of this entire multi-verse," Bill told me. "Only gods of this world huh," I understood quickly "I'm guessing there's a god of the entire multi-multiverse or something?" "You really do learn quickly," Bill laughed "Now honestly, I can't believe you're opening up to your technically worst fear!" "Yeah, don't remind me," I whimpered "I do eventually want revenge for what you have done to my friend Skybrine. But, I'm in coma, I've got the time in the world."

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