A Sick Day

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Krystal's POV

   I dragged Husky and Kira inside just a while ago and had them, along with Ian and Ty, resting on the couch when I heard a bunch of coughing and sneezes. I turned to see some of the others either coughing, sneezing, and/or fainting. I quickly caught Seto as I sneezed into my arm. "Krystal, I think everyone's sick," Skybrine exclaimed before sneezing loudly.

   "I think so too," I spoke before sneezing "I need to check on everyone!" I swayed a bit before Skybrine grabbed my arm and Seto. "Um, you're gonna re-" Skybrine paused to sneeze before continuing "rest." "Noooooooo," I whined a bit before passing out.

Skybrine's POV

   I quickly picked Krystal up and Seto and put Seto on one of the couches, specially since we had about 5 huge couches luckily. I sneezed as I lifted Krystal to our room and threw her into our bed as I collapsed on the bed myself and fell asleep.

Vik's POV

   I was just reading a book when I sneezed a little and jumping a bit, accidentally dropping my book. "Are you kidding me," I asked myself. I felt a bit dizzy as I looked to see Lachlan flying and crashed into me. "Lachy!?"

   "Viiik, I don't feel well," Lachlan whined, his voice cracking in the cutest way. "Vik," Lachlan whined again as I blinked a bit "You were staring! Please not now, I'm feel sick....." I shook my head a little as I pet Lachlan. "Well, you're acting a bit childish," I told him "I'm not acting childish and I also feel kind of sick..."

   Lachlan looked at me with childish eyes as I wrapped my arms around Lachlan and he wrapped his arms around me as we both drifted off to sleep.


2 ships per sick chapter! And no I'm not sick, but school is eating up my time!!!

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