Life Crumbling Before Everyone...

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???????'s POV

I smiled as I watched everyone before my eyes was in disharmony. Merome was torn apart, Insane Soon are having trust issues, Vikklan are crying by themselves, Poofless screaming and slamming, the Killer Ship are a thing in the past, Krystal and Skybrine are even arguing, Tyra (Ty x Kira) is probably never gonna happen now, and Jasetta isn't happening for a while now. Now, my mission: Destroy the place.

3rd Person's POV

Everyone everything was in hate, just as he said.

Jerome was cutting himself by the second while Mitch starts to sip beer each time he sees Jerome.

Moon has been doing no better as she hides in a bubble under, cutting herself with her katana she was given once as Insane Seto grew unstable in trust.

Vik was sleeping under his bed without the urge to see light, eat, or wake up, wishing it was just a nightmare and Lachlan was not scared when it came to the point he was cutting almost every since place on his skin.

Preston was always screaming at Rob with Rob screaming back. They haven't fought in forever when they met. Behind the door that Rob slammed, Preston cried enough that it made his powers weak.

KillerCanadian has never been back to spend time with KillerK, why would he want to be around a traitor. Meanwhile KillerK totally flipped, or more likely twisted. She's too scared to do anything ever since KillerCanadian almost killed her. And KillerK has plans to do it herself...

Krystal and Skybrine haven't talked to each other ever since they were supposingly betrayed by each other. Mainly because Krystal has been hiding under her bed the entire time and Skybrine is practically dead on his bed  since he sleeps almost 24/7 to avoid all of life.

Kira has been crying almost everything she ever was down in the basement and bleeding almost everything she had out. Ty was confused by everything that was happening, mostly this empty feeling that hurts him everyday ever since he hasn't seem Kira.

And worst of all Jason was pretty much ignoring everything Lunetta was trying to say to him. Lunetta on the other hand started to do all the experiments herself since Jason didn't care much. Including having to do everything, everything dangerous including testings, drugs, experiments, EVERYTHING!

Everything was falling apart. Even worse now that he has possession of a whole supply of fire equipment.

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