Sick Day 4?

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Okay... I'll just do 5 or something sick days and you guys will choose the last one or if you want more sick days later on... I don't know where I'm going but I know where I'm supposed to go... *Checks map* And I'm off the trail again... -_-


Lunetta's POV

   I quickly covered up a sneeze as I felt Jason lean on me a little. We were in our small lab room and still trying to figure out the same experiment we were doing before. The Soul Spirit experiment. But I guess me and Jason got the sickness as well that's been going around. Jason being more weak to it than most of us.

   I turned off my equipment as Jason looked a little surprise. "Lunetta, what are you-" he coughed horribly as I wrapped my arm around him and stroked my fingers through his hair. "Come on, you're really sick," I told him, turning away to cough into my arm. "You're just as sick," he told me before leaning more onto me and whimpering "Ugh, my head..."

   I softly kissed him on the forehead as I pulled him over to the small couch we had against the wall and laid him down. I placed my hand on his cheek as he looked up at me, weakly. "Lunetta," he spoke before I calmly tried summoning a bowl of soup.

   I did it quickly, but I just wore my down quicker as I almost dropped the bowl. I was surprised to feel myself feeling supported as the bowl was pulled out of my hand and her it slowly be placed on the nearby table next to the couch. And I quietly looked up to see Jason slowly laying me besides him on the couch.

   "You okay now," he asked me leaning in. "Yeah I-" We both turned away quickly to cough or sneeze into our arms as we turned back and laughed a little. "Now, lets see if you summoned a proper soup," Jason told me, grabbing the spoon from the soup and slipping it into my mouth.

   Yep, having Jason as a boyfriend is amazing...


Ugh, I hate so much cheese after an anime volleyball game T^T... Yeah, I watch Haikyuu if the words 'Volleyball' and 'Anime' give you no clue, I feel like Haikyuu is one of the few volleyball animes in the sport anime categories... It was supposed to be for my sister to watch to get her into anime and here I am XD

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