The New House

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Kira's POV

I whipped out my phone and was taking so many pictures of Lunetta and Jason. Seriously, help me, my phone can't contain so many photos!!! "I got your back," Chaos whispered to me as she pulled out a phone nd also took photos. Same with the Spooky Ghost.

"STOP IT," Lunetta screamed as she started to chase us. "DON'T BLAME THE SHIPPERS, BLAME YOURSELF," I screamed while running. "Guys, the house," I heard Skybrine told us as I skid to a stop, Lunetta bumping into me slightly.

It was about 3 stories and looked more like a mansion than a house. "I-I have a bad feeling about this place," Jason whimpered slightly. "Man up nerd," Lunetta told him. I shoved Lunetta playfully and took off with her on my tail, jumped over Jason, and stopped and looked back to see Lunetta back on top of Jason.

"I'm too lazy to get up," Lunetta sighed "I'll just stay like this..." "Paparazzi time," Chaos laughed as she and Spooky did a couple more pictures. "Geez, you missed the good chances of Paparazzi Times back when the lab wasn't burnt down," I sighed. Spooky gave me a bit of pictures and I was literally jaw drop when I saw the pictures of all of the ships happening...

"Stalker much," I rolled my eyes. "Just being a shipper," Spooky laughed. "I'm gonna check out the new mansion," I told them as I walked off. I walked in to see it was rustic (Not the rusty rustic, the charming rustic) and had a bit of furniture already in it. I also realized Krystal disappeared upstairs already, but didn't bother with it.

I took off the bag of stuff I had and organized them all into piles on a table for everyone to grab later. After that I explored the house a bit. I was mostly interested in both if they had a basement and if they had an attic! I wanted to check if they had a basement first. I ran around the place until finally I found a door which lead to downwards stairs.

"Wat for me," Spooky exclaimed following me "I meant wait for me! GRAMER!!!" "You mean grammar right," I asked her. "Thanks," she told me. I laughed slightly as I skip jumped down the stairs. I gasped in curiosity at how the basement was full of stuff and had 3 more corridors to explore. "Cool," I smiled as I ran around and looked at the stuff. 

"Why do I have a bad feeling," I heard Spooky ask. "Oh come on," I told her "When was the last time I was this happy to explore?" "I've never reelly seen you actually," Spooky told me "I mean really!" I laughed slightly when my eyes landed on something shiny in a box. I walked over to the box and opened one of the box flaps.

It revealed a small collection of papers with writings and drawings, a couple of small black blossoms, and a bow. The bow was pure black with 4 bands of pink and had bladed on the end that looked like wings and some bladed on the bow itself. "Woah," I gasped as I reached to grab the bow. As soon as I did and lifted it out of the box, it glowed as my vision faded quickly.


Okay here's a small hint; the house is the same house from the nightmare =D

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