A Kitten Brother?

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Krystal's POV

I woke up on the same branch and with Dragon Girl's wings around me. Dragon Girl was already awake and revealed the beautiful morning sun.

"Morning Dragon Girl," I yawned "hungry aren't you?" I received a small squawk from Dragon Girl as I mounted onto her back.

We swooped up and dived into the water, where I grabbed a few big fishes.

We flew back up to breathe fresh air with the both of us full of fish.

As we returned to the coast, I notice that Skybrine, Nightmare, Jason, and Winter anywhere.

When we landed.

I felt the ground rumble as Skybrine and Nightmare came into sighting with Nightmare having a raptor in him mouth.

"Well then, morning to you Nightmare and Skybrine," I said "went hunting it seems."

"Yeah," Skybrine replied "how did fishing go?"

"A fast dive, grab, and fly," I answered. I just finally noticed my wet clothes from the dive, but ignored it.

Then I heard Winter and saw Jason with Winter coming out of the forest.

"Well, we better get going then," I sighed as I rubbed Dragon Girl's head. I quickly attacked a small immortality tick into her as I rubbed her without anyone noticing and formed a small ball of light.

"No fighting while we're gone," I teased Nightmare. Jason, Sky, and I touched the ball of light and was teleported back to the gaming room.

"Come on," I said "I want to find some real food."

"Man, I never really thought about how hungry I really was," Sky admitted. But as we walked out of the gaming room, I saw the face I never wanted to see.

"Krystal," I heard her voice said. "Kayla," I replied, crossing my arms "wish your test could have failed." "Well seems to me that you have a few," she started, but I casted a spell that made vines grow to cover her mouth and stick her in place.

I stuck out my tongue and walked away with Jason and Skybrine following close behind.

"Who was," Jason asked. "Kayla, my sister," I answered instantly "never liked her. Come on, lets go find something to eat."

I knew my voice sounded harsh, I kind of regretted saying anything with such a tone. I kept walking til we found the food area, where I grabbed a small salad.

After eating and changing into some dry clothes I went adventuring outside, without Jason and Sky who were busy playing Mortal Kombats F. 

I was walking through the forest when I came across a clearing and I turned on my cat senses. I then smelled the scent of another human cat.

I smelled a similar DNA smell to my blood, but a male? Suddenly I was pinned to the ground by a human cat. I stuck in a daze until I shook it off and attacked back with my cat moves.

He was also good, but so was I. "Why did you attack me," I hissed. "Cause, you're in my territory," he hissed back and he hit me back into another daze, but this time I got so dizzy that I fell down and almost blacked out (Hey, I said almost. >=3).

As he crept closer to me, I threw a black out spell at him and I hitted him straight in the heart and he crashed to the ground. With all my might, I tried to get up, but I didn't have too much strength to.

I rested before attempted and I succeeded and crawled over to the boy. I saw his face under his cloak and out of curiosity, pulled down the hood of his purple cloak.

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