A Weakness

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?????'s POV

I was slowly mixing the Mixed Animablood into the Morphesica when I heard  footsteps walk into my office. I looked up to see my beloved adopted daughter, but something seemed to trouble her.

"Heather?" I asked her. "You have to inject the Keimusho Potion into me," she ordered me, sitting in a chair. I was surprised, but obeyed. "So I'm guessing it's wearing off," I asked her adjusting the mixture of liquids to a rate it won't fail...

She nodded. I sighed as I pulled out a clean needle with Keimusho Potion already in it. I injected the needle into Heather as her face remained emotionless. I then injected the liquid into her which made her wince.

I pulled the needle back out and put a bandage on where I injected the shot. "Thanks dad," she told me. "Now, I need to understand what caused this to wearing off to happen," I told her "The only reason this would weaken is if your weakness was present. I'm guessing Lunetta's interfering with you hurting Jason's friends?"

She sighed and nodded. "You are dismissed," I told her.

Heather's POV

I walked out of my father's room and saw Imee Marquez, my father's apprentice, with Solar and Julian. I glared at Solar and Julian as Imee asked me something. "Um, is Scott there," she asked me. I nodded as I continued walking off. As soon as the 3 walked into my father's room, I broke into a run.

Quickly Heather!

You think I don't know that?! I rushed into my cell and grabbed the experiment I've been working on.

Quick... the potion's effect is kicking... in....

I quickly drank the experiment and felt really dizzy...

It'll be okay Heather, I will help you through it again!

I quickly threw the potion bottle out of the window and finally collapsed, half on my bed and half on the floor. I felt Lunetta leave me for a second as she as a spirit caused noises in my cell to draw anyone who heard the sounds over to me... I slowly started blacking out but managed to whisper something to myself...

"Thank you, Lunetta.................................."


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