Another Hybrid

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Krystal's POV

Call this cheating in life, but I might have found Notch's research notebook (Why hide it behind the picked olives jar?) and found out about the next hybrid that they were making. Her name was Sara and she was supposed to be a half Angel and half demon. I've checked Notch's notes (Luckily, everyone just thought I was reading another random fantasy book XD) and found out more about her appearance due to her genes that were a possibility for her after the experiment (Plus taking a peek at Lunetta's Punnett Square to understand more about wtf I'm reading)

I actually showed this to Lunetta since she was more experienced in science. And she said she was quite experienced in hybrid creating herself actually.

"Are you sure, I can't trust you that much after that experiment that changed Jason," I told her. "That, was Heather," Lunetta reminded me "And we learn from our mistakes. Plus, while hiding in the back of Heather's mind, I did get a chance to learn more than Heather did when she was in control."

"Fine, but lets not let that happen to Sara," I said. "Fair enough," Lunetta sighed. While Notch was, I guess on his 'watch', me and Lunetta just walked into his lab to get a closer look at the hybrid. She had silver blue white hair and wore a star dress. I couldn't see the eye color though. "Hey Lunetta, she looks kind of like you and Moon combined," I told Lunetta as she was looking through some notes on a table.

"I guess she does," Lunetta sighed "And her eye color before the experiment was a Bb, but the experiment had alleles for Bb. But the 2 uppercase B's are more dominate to the others, but then again, calculating the probability of the eye color through my Punnett Square memory... there's a 75% probability of brown eyes and a 25% chance of blue eyes, but then again, I could be wrong..."

I slowly in my head tried to calculate what in the nether Lunetta just said, it actually started to hurt my head from all the thinking. "Why couldn't you be a normal person and say 75% chance of brown eyes and 25% chance of blue eyes," I asked her. Lunetta rolled her eyes and opened her mouth "Fine, 75% chance brown, 25% chance blue, better?"

I slowly nodded. "We had our look, we better go," I told her dragging her out.


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