Beginning the Town Adventure

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Krystal's POV

   It was great to get out of the house for once. The sky was just turning into a calm smooth night but everything was still easy to see with some of us holding some kind of light source. "What if the village doesn't accept hybrids," Seto asked me. "Then they're just gonna have to deal with it," I told Seto, ruffling his hair.

   "We never really studied this area with Notch and Herobrine," Skybrine pointed out "So we're just as blind as you guys are." I watched as Chaos and Spooky floated up to get a look, then came back down. "Well don't worry about us being hybrids," Chaos exclaimed "Cause the entire town is hybrids!" "Really," Jerome exclaimed as he ran off. We quickly followed and reached the edge of the forest and the village, which looked more like a city.

   And Chaos was right, it was a city of hybrids! Couple dragon hybrids flying over, cat, wolf, and rabbit hybrids were playing around. "Hey, why don't we live in this town," Husky asked. "I kind of like the other house," Ian pointed out "And the peace and quiet." "Good point," Skybrine told Ian. I felt a trap on my shoulder and looked to see a floating kitten girl giggling as she disappeared.

   "Okay?" I spoke, then looked back to the group "Sick together or split up?" "Maybe a split up of 4," Spooky suggested. "Okay then," I announced while we quickly split into our groups. "Meet here at midnight," I told everyone as me, Skybrine, Sara, and Seto started walking away from the group.

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