Death match

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Krystal's POV

As my music turned on, I quickly ran forwards. I looked around to see where everyone was.

The boy was off killing Sky, so I just shot a yolo arrow into the fight and I was surprised to see it hitted Sky in the back of his head, dead.

Suddenly, the boy was charging for me and I dodge out of the way. 

"You won't last long," he joked around "I'm the hunger games master."

I just put my headphones around my neck as they became speakers and gained more agility.

I was jumping all over the place, bouncing off wall, and every once in a while, shooting at the boy to distract him and having him back into another arrow.

"So," I said distracting him a little "never really got your name."

"The name's Mitch, ever heard of me," he said as our swords clashed together "you know the BenjaminCanadian, Hunger Games champion."

"Never played or heard of hunger games honestly til now," I replied welding the sword as if it was a light saber "never knew the champion would be 10 though. but you might have met your match."

"Say, you never played hunger games," he pointed out "how are you so good, or at least keeping up on my level?"

"Fighting, studying tactics," I said, bouncing off a wall and making a good slash on his back. It wasn't deep, but it weakened him pretty good.

"Nice one," he said. "I've done worse without a sword," I boasted, not mention anything hybrid related.

"You're pretty low on heath now," he warned me. I then noticed the cuts and blood all over me and the cuts and blood all over him.

Then for a final blow, he charged at me sword aiming straight for the stomach and by arrow aiming for his throat and as I let go of the string, he forced his sword forwards.

And then the arrow pierce straight into his throat just as his sword was about to cut into my stomach. He fell back and I did so to avoid the sword.

I won the hunger games?! Against the so call Master Of Hunger Games?!?!

I WON!!!!!

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