Hanging With Kira

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KillerK's POV

I was with Kira just being her ass at Mortal Kombat, often suddenly her win a round, but I always win. "Great, now everyone's gonna know my Mortal Kombat secret," Kira groaned. "Your fault, you didn't think," I told her, not taking my eyes off of the screen.

"KillerCanadian," I heard 'Mitch's' voice called out from the gaming room. "Wrong Killer, idiot," I screamed at him, eyes still glued onto the TV. "And who are you," Mitch asked. "KillerK, I bet that KillerCanadian of yours might be over there." I nodded my head back to where I'm pretty sure this 'KillerCanadian' went.

I was slightly off guard when Kira came in with her dark angel bow thing and did the final blow. "YES," she screamed. "So, are you Kira's half," Mitch asked. "Yes, now leave me alone before I loose my focus," I growled "I don't wanna loose to this goodie two shoes!"

"When has anyone called me a goodie two shoes," Kira exclaimed "When the nether will I ever be considered a goodie two shoes!?" She suddenly smacked into me and I smacked back. "Bring it on girl," I exclaimed as I pinned her with myself against a couch arm, she literally using her feet to push me away.

I was down to a bad amount of health because I can't talk and play that well unlike Kira who could multi-task. If I lost, I was gonna throw my controller at Mitch -_-

And what do you know? Kira's character blew the final blow and I quickly turned and threw my controller at Mitch. I was expecting Kira to scold me, but I just heard laughter from her. "Seriously KillerK," she laughed.

Mitch was pretty much outstretched on the floor, practically unconscious cause I threw like a truck! And someone was standing next to him. I was actually pretty curious, so I grabbed a peek at his appearance. He looked just like Mitch, but his eyes were a bright hue of blood red, he had a pair of dark red dragon wings and tail, not to mention the knife hanging from his pants. He was standing over Mitch's outstretched body and has a smirk on his face.

I couldn't really find a word for him, and no, not cute! I'm a Killer, not a princess or kawaii girl! I don't say cute! And, uh, of course he doesn't deserve that word! Hehe. Thank Notch Kira can't read my mind anymore.

Suddenly KillerCanadian was just glaring at me and I realized I was probably staring and went back to looking at the TV, which still had Kira's victory. -_-

"Anyways, I'm gonna play casual games," Kira told me getting up. "Ugh, why those pity games," I whined. "You don't have to watch," she reminded me walking off to the other games "You aren't trapped in my mind anymore."

I was about to do a single player game when I saw someone grab the second controller.


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