It's a deal...

13 4 0

Heather's POV

I walked through the forest til we got to this lab. It was bigger than our lab! But I need to act professional.

Or like a bigger bitch you originally were.



Anyways, we walked up to the lab door and knocked on it. Then in front of us was that Skybrine kid.

"One moment please," he said, a bit shakily. The door closed, then running footsteps, whispering, then the door opened again. "So, what do you need," Skybrine asked. 

"My daughter says that one of our experiments have gone loose and you stole it," my father said. "Stole to you guys," the girl from before said from the back "Save and protect is what I see. Do you actually do that for a living, how sad."

Skybrine grabbed the girl's arm and pushed her towards us. "You talk then," Skybrine told the girl, then running off.

"Hm, you'd think the son of Herobrine would be more brave," the girl joked watching Skybrine run, then turned to us "Jason, or as you prefer Experiment #1023, was changing from an experiment when me and Skybrine found him. He was changing quickly, so we took him in."

H-He's at least safe, good.

"Well, he's a part of my experiments and research," my father told her "And I think we should take him back now. He does belong to me and my daughter's experiments."

"Hm, maybe we could talk over an agreement for Jason," she asked us. "Sure," my father said as she let us in. She lead us through a few hallways til we reached a door. We walked in and entered a room full on books.

"Don't even try looking for any research journal or even anything non-fiction related," the girl told us "Last time I checked, there were only fiction books."

"What's your name first of all," I asked "and what kind of deal would you like to make?" "The name's Krystal," the girl smiled "and honestly, I want a deal to keep Jason or if you want, a deal to give Jason up. Hard to say, we would never give up Jason for anything."

"Same, we would do anything for Ja~ er, Experiment #1023," I told her.

Ooooooooooh, you like Jason!

No, I don't, I just want to have him back at the lab to hangout with such a cutie..... wait what?


S-shut up, capeesh?


-_- Anyways... "What do you have to offer," I mumbled. "What if I volunteer to be a test subject for you in exchange for Jason," Krystal asked. "Why someone like you," my dad asked. "I don't think anyone's really testing, researching, observing, etc., my abilities yet," she told us "or how about me and another will volunteer, one who's already a hybrid?"

"Can't we just pay you for Jason," I exclaimed, then covering my mouth...

Ooooooooooh! (◕▽◕)

"Sorry, but no," Krystal told me "but maybe we can add Jason into the deal. We'll only allow you to experiment on us for.... only about month? That should be enough for smart enough people to replicate my DNA formula, long enough to copy a natural hybrids DNA, and a good enough time for you to hang with Jason."

She was looking straight at me when she mention time to hang with Jason. I was caught completely off guard. "Why experiment of some 10 year olds," I asked her. "Jason said that you experimented on him around when he was 4," Krystal shrugged.

I remember those sad, dark days...

"D-deal," I said.

W-wait, seriously?! YES!!! O(≧▽≦)O

She lead us over to another door and we then walked to an outside area. There were a couple hybrids and they all froze when they saw me. I evilly glared at them as some looked like they were ready to fight.

"Stop messing around," Krystal ordered "line up in a straight line, activate your hybrid side, and it you aren't hybrid, sit on the side!" Everyone scurries into a line, except 2 kids how sat down away from the hybrids. But one, Skybrine, was still standing where he was and glared at Krystal.

"What are you doing," he scolded Krystal, who didn't flinch. "Keeping Jason," Krystal told him "I, Jason, and one more hybrid will have to volunteer to be new test subjects so we can keep Jason." "How can you trust them," Skybrine asked her. "I trust them," Krystal told him, with a  loud tone.

Skybrine turned away and walked to the line as I widened my eyes. No body has stood up for me before, expect Jason before.

You better keep this deal... she just made Herobrine's son back down!

I wasn't intending to do so and still not intending to do so. "Choose," Krystal told us. I started at one end and started observing all the hybrids.

Skybrine was first, but I don't intend with messing with him. Jason was hiding behind him though, should I take him to make Jason feel safer? Nah, I want Jason to spend more time with me instead.

Then was a bacca hybrid, but I notice his focus looking at the boy with a checkered hoodie. I wouldn't want to mess with them.

Then was the cat sorcerer hybrid, maybe...

Then the was the little wolf boy who defended the little fire kid, the fire kid may need protection... but maybe...

The fire kid was hiding behind wolf kid and I knew he was already weak, so why bother?

Then there was a kid with white dragon features, would love to get some good experiments off of that...

Then behind dragon kid was a boy I managed to get another experiment into. "Aw, what's your ability," I asked in a taunting innocent voice. 

Yeah, sure, you totally sound innocent with that, even though everyone knows your dark side -_-

"I'm a kanay," he narrowed his eyes at me. "Really," I smiled, then looked at Krystal "I want the Kanay!" I saw the dragon hybrid and kanay's eyes widened as Krystal approached them. 

"Vik, it'll be okay," she told them. "No, Lachlan just came back," 'Vik' cried "then I have to leave Lachlan again?!"

"Can I take the Dragon too then," I asked. The kanay hugged the dragon hybrid, guessing he's Lachlan, tightly and glared at me. "Fine, I'll come," Lachlan sighed, then glared at Krystal "you better know what you're doing."

Jason approached us as we walked away. I have 3 new subjects and 1 old one back, this will be fun.

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