What's happening to us? (Time Skip to the Summertime)

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Kira's POV

I layed on the couch as I watched the screen and pressed a couple buttons on my controller, by myself.

Hey, not completely by yourself!

Yeah, yeah. I have you too... but everything changed! I have nobody to play with, Mitch barely goes to the Hunger or Survival Games, Jerome's usually just lounging around and not hanging around with Mitch too much, Jason has been cruel to Krystal, Vik has been ignoring Lachlan now, Lunetta and Moon seem different, Preston and Rob are usually separated, Seto's been alone without much people to talk to anymore, and Krystal and Skybrine aren't really active anymore.

Things will hopefully get better, don't worry...

Since when were you nice and caring!? Nevermind, I'm gonna talk to Krystal and Skybrine. I feel like this is all happening because of them. Ever since Krystal and Lachlan's kiss, everything changed. I rounded the corner and peeked down into the basement. I slowly crept down and the first thing I noticed was Lachlan and Krystal sitting together in the corner. Lachlan had his arms wrapped around Krystal while Krystal had her back to him.

"Please Krystal," Lachlan whispered as he turned Krystal's head to face him. Krystal just looked at Lachlan with very little hope in her eyes and turned away. Lachlan softly kissed Krystal on her cheek, but nothing more than another shun came from Krystal.

"Maybe she wants alone time," I finally chose to speak up. Lachlan was surprised to see me, Krystal not so much. "Yeah, I kind of do," she whimpered. Lachlan nodded as we both left Krystal alone in the basement.

"What's up with her," I asked Lachlan. "I honestly don't know," Lachlan sighed "I've tried everything to get her attention, her favorite flowers Tiger Lilies, chocolates, diamonds, puppies, I even tried a laser!"

"Sounds to me like you simply just don't know her," I rolled my eyes. "Excuse me," Lachlan asked me. "Her favorite flowers are Roses," I began "She enjoys chocolates but loves sugary chocolate strawberries, she's a fan of Opals more than diamonds, and she's part kitten not part puppy lets not forget."

"I guess I'll try those then," Lachlan questioned me. "And most importantly," I continued "she's been friends with Skybrine the longest, and having your first friend scream at you isn't fun." I walked off and walked over to where Skybrine's room was.

I knocked on his door and just decided to let myself in anyways.

When did you come in without being asked like a bad girl?

Ever since I can! I saw Skybrine on his bed as he lifted his head from his pillow and looked at me, his eyes red from crying so much. "Why are you here," he asked me with a raspy voice. "Krystal's," I spoke but Skybrine just ignored me as he dug his head into he pillow when I said Krystal. "Don't talk to me about her," Skybrine screamed. "EVERYONE CHANGED," I screamed back.

Skybrine lifted his head, sat up, and looked at me. "What?"

"Everyone pretty much separated from each other under the same roof," I told him. "Show me then," Skybrine told me.

I lead Skybrine into the hallways and automatically it was different. No laughter throughout the hallways. "Everything's so quiet," Skybrine noticed.

I lead him to the game room, where there were no friends for me to play with.

I showed him the training grounds where Mitch just sat there doing nothing.

I lead him to the library where there was no Krystal reading with her small group, just Vik all alone staring at a wall.

I showed him the considered to be cells where Lunetta and Moon were separated because they wanted to and since Lunetta didn't have Jason to talk to.

I showed him every empty dorm which was just had everyone else doing their own thing or just lounging around.

Then I lead Him to the basement where Krystal was in the corner, her body moving to the very slightest to symbolize that she was at least alive. Lachlan was also there, trying to make Krystal budge the slightest with the things she actually liked. "Krystal, please, it hurts to see you giving up like this," Lachlan cried slight. She only looked at Lachlan with hopeless eyes and looked away. "If you don't reply or become that one girl I loved," Lachlan spoke softly "I will abandon you! I will break up with you! Please, don't you like me!?"

Me and Skybrine were both surprised to see that Krystal stood up. Lachlan's eyes filled with hope. Then, Krystal just walked away from Lachlan.

"What a lying romance that was," Krystal mumbled as she passed by me and Skybrine. "They, broke up," I wondered. I heard Lachlan sobbing as I watched Krystal walk off. "They broke up," Skybrine spoke more clearly.

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