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Jason's POV

I heard the sound of cell items as I was walking back from being experimented on, which hurts still. I was way too curious that I had to find out what it was. I ran over to where Heather's cell was since she was still considered a hybrid and loved her old cell and widened my eyes to see Heather unconscious. Her cell was opened, so I quickly ran in.

"Heather," I exclaimed, shaking her like crazy. I noticed her breathing was slowing down as I cried out "HELP!!!" I saw a couple scientists rush in as I stepped aside. I saw as the scientists then changed to a worry look as they stepped away. I watched as Heather's body didn't breathe. She was...... dead!

I felt one of the scientists tug on me as I turned and started to walk away crying.

"J-Jason... Jason?"

I turned at the sound of Heather's voice and saw Lunetta instead, laying down were Heather was. I ran back to her and hugged her. Lunetta returned the hug and snuggled into me. "I miss you so much," I cried softly "Please don't leave me again." I saw Lunetta smile as she said "I can promise you that. I'm here to stay." I hugged her even more until I knew I had to get back to my cells by now.

"But what about Heather," I asked her. Lunetta jut frowned slightly as she sighed "She's still in me but she told me that I can be with you for the while she's developing." I placed her head on my chest. "Lets worry about the present and not the future before you miss life," I told her.

I helped her up as we walked over to her father's office. I hesitated to knock on the door but Lunetta just looked at me, telling me to do it. I knocked and I waited awhile until I saw her father open the door. He looked at me with the same smirk he looked at me when he started the fire that killed my family.

"Yes," he asked me. I looked over at Lunetta which made her father's gaze follow mines onto her. His face showed a bit of uncertainty. Lunetta just looked down slightly with hands folded in front of her. "Okay then," Scott sighed "I want you to take care of her since she will be hanging out with you and the others more. With her being less of Heather, she may need some protection."

I nodded and held Lunetta by  the wrist as we walked to my cell.

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