First, Not Really The Worst

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Krystal's POV

Heather lead us to another lab and Jason was scared and I knew it. But he was actually the closest to being near Heather, I wonder why. As we walked through the lab, it looked like a jail, but more white. Then we entered a room, there were cells with hybrids in them. Some were part wolves, dragons, squids, even some that looked normal.

Heather then put us into a cell together and shut the door. There were only 2 beds and a small window. I wasn't really planning to escape, just prove loyalty to Heather. I then heard some laughing from across the cells. I looked to see Jason at the farthest corner of the cell and across from us were 3 hybrids, one was an blue dragon girl, one was a skeleton boy and they were both laughing.

"Seems like Jason's back," the blue dragon laughed. "What happened, freedom got cut short," the skeleton boy taunted. Jason just looked away as I saw Heather walking to the cell with the 2 hybrids and boy with 2 needles and a cleaver in her hand. The hybrid's expression quickly changed into fear as they ran to the back of their cells.

Heather just glared at them and placed the needles and cleaver away. "Don't make fun of them," she hissed quietly at them. Heather walked away and another voice popped up. It was through a small hole in the wall next to us and it was a girl's voice.

"Jason, is that you," it whispered. "Tigris," Jason whispered into the hole "you're still here?" "Sadly, yes," the voice, probably Tigris replied "and so is Ian. Deadlox managed to escape though." "So why are you back," another voice asked Jason. Jason glared at me and didn't reply. It was already night and everyone was going to sleep already. "Anything we should know about the place Jason," I asked. "Well, sometimes we get experimented on during the night," Jason sighed.

"Look, don't worry," I told him "I'll make sure everything will be okay..." "Well, who's sleeping on the floor then," Lachlan asked. "I actually never got a bed when I used to live here," Jason admitted. "Then Jason and Vik get the bed," Lachlan told us. "I'm fine with a sleeping on the floor anyways," I admitted. 

I crawled to a wall as Jason and Vik got into the beds. I was curled up against a wall and it turned out to be really cold. About a few hours into the night and I was still awake and freezing. Lachlan was sleeping next to Vik's, mainly because I asked him to, and I was now trying to sleep against the bars... I couldn't sleep from all the screams of pain from other hybrids. Then I was about to drift to sleep when I heard our cell door open.

A girl with starry hair and blue eyes walked in and had a blanket. I pretended to be asleep as I watched her inject something into Lachlan and saw Lachlan's dragon features appear. She then moved Vik and Lachlan around to make Lachlan's dragon tail be wrapped around Vik's and have Lachlan's wings out and one being on the ground. She then moved me so that I would be under Lachlan's wings, which felt warm. I then watched the girl place the blanket over all of us, but mostly over Jason.

Then I watched as a tear form in her eyes as she pulled out 4 needles. "I'm so sorry guys," she whispered with Heather's voice "I have to or Heather will never let me out of her body again." She injected the needle into Jason, Lachlan, and Vik and injected the fluid. She then looked at me and whispered "I know you're awake." I looked at her as she kneel to my side. She still had one needle left and it was probably for me. "Thank you for standing up for me," she told me. "Your welcome," I whispered to her. "I'm Lunetta, Heather's haft," she explained "and I told her that I would give you guys an experiment along with upgrades during the night, okay?"

I smiled as she injected the fluid into me. I felt really dizzy as I saw her walk out of the cell and slowly drifted to sleep.

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