Kitty Krystal

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Sky's POV

Me and Jason ran to where the commotion was and literally crashed into the others.

"Wait, why are you guys in my dream," Jason asked them.

"Er... curious?"

Jason just glared at Krystal then looked at Jerome and Mitch and gasped.

"What's up with all the scratches," Jason asked a bit scared.

"We happened!"

We all looked around to see a yellow fancy illuminati and a weird mixed up creature.

"Discord, Bill," Krystal growled under her breath. "Why, the real Krystal Mnemosyne is back," Bill laughed as he floated towards us "be lucky you aren't 11 yet."

"Wait what?! Nevermind, get out of Jason's dream," Krystal hissed at him, facing him.

"Oh come on Billy, we can always destroy Krystal in her dreams where she can try all her might," Discord told Bill as he teleported between Krystal and Bill.

"Nah, lets have a bit of fun," Bill's tone dropped as he shot a blue fireball at Krystal. She crashed against the flooring and we all ran for her.

Krystal morphed into a princess suddenly and attacked Bill, but her attack only went through him and Bill threw even more fireballs. Krystal easily dodged all of them, but one hit her square in the face. She collapsed and we were separated by some slimy squid bars.

"Face it Ashling," Bill said hovering over Krystal "your little dreamy highness and Krystal are no match for an illusion demon."

There was suddenly a great big grin on Krystal's face as she changed into a pink kitty girl.

"Dear, dear Bill my pal," Krystal perked up as she started floating around "aren't I in your dearest memories?"

What the nether is going on?

"Oh, Kitty Krystal," Bill exclaimed "been a while since we've talked."

"OKAY, WHAT THE NETHER IS GOING ON," I screamed. Krystal disappeared and appeared above me. "My dear, no need to scream," she said "just talking to an old friend. Name's Kitty Krystal, Krystal's Cheshire side. Just been summoned to talk to Bill."

"So Kitty, how's it going," Bill nudged her. "Wonderistic could be better," Kitty teleported over Bill upside down "and now I was told to do this." Krystal smacked the back of Bill's head which both turned him into a cat and pushed him forwards.

"What was that for," Bill exclaimed as he went into an attack position. Krystal just turned into a pink striped kitten and floated down right side up. "I'm so sorry mentor," she smiled, probably not meaning what she just said "but Krystal and Ashling summoned me to help a dearest friend of Krystal's."

She disappeared, but there were 3 circles of colorful ripples around him that created music.

Suddenly the entire setting changed into a more forest like setting. And Bill was in the middle of a pond and the ripples were louder. Krystal was standing in human form in the center of one ripple.

"Just enjoy the show," Discord told me as I saw everyone else sitting on Discord's back, so i relaxed and sat down with them.

As Krystal sang, she kept scratching Bill and transformed into a cat, human, normal, it was very amusing (So sorry that you guys can't see this).

When she stopped, Bill was a cat with scratches all over him. "Just leave, please," Krystal told Bill in human cat form as she floated upside down.

"Fine, but this isn't over," Bill said as he disappeared. We were all teleported back to the haunted house and Kitty Krystal just popped up behind us.

"So any items you guys collected to get the heck out of here," she asked us.

Only Krystal, Jason, Mitch, and Jerome held out an item; a butter dagger necklace, a teddy bear, a diamond axe, and an amulet like mines.

"Great 4/5, all we need is Sky here to find a Wolf Moon Pendent," Discord said making a illumination of the pendant in his hand. "Aren't you supposed to be someplace else," Mitch asked Discord. "I trust Discord enough," said Kitty Krystal as she balanced on my head "know where it is and I can't wait to see everyone's reaction."

We suddenly got teleported to a different floor and there before us was a door leading to stair that lead further down, meaning one thing...

The basement.

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