The Shortcut

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Lunetta's POV

I was in the back of the group with Jason being near the front and this Chaos girl next to me... "So, daughter of a Princess huh," Chaos asked me. "Wouldn't you like to know," I growled. "Aw come on Starlight," Chaos sighed as she floated around me. I wrapped my hand around her neck as she squeaked quietly.

"Never use that nickname on me," I spoke as I had my eyes peek out of the shadow that my hair provided. "Will do," Chaos squeak quietly. I dropped her as she caught her breath with the Spooky girl and Kira helping her up.

"Oh, to make this faster btw," Chaos continued talking "I can reveal a shortcut..." "Can we even trust you," I asked. Chaos walked over to the side and pushed aside some shrubbery and revealed a tunnel with an icy flooring and some moss. "It's okay, it's safe," KillerK sighed "I used these tunnels to travel places quickly."

"Not to mention escape your old life," Chaos laughed. I elbowed her hard in the stomach as she stumbled back. "Wow, never thought shattered hearts are that lethal to a personality," Chaos spoke as she wrapped her arms around her stomach. "They're pretty bad, the heart is where your personality settles," Kira interrupted "So if a heart shatters, pretty much you do as well." "And you should know," Chaos chuckled.

Kira slowed barely much of an emotion change as she walked past Chaos. "Now just run in and make sure not to slip," KillerK ordered everyone as she ran into the tunnel. I watched as everyone else ran in and a couple squeals of laughter. I sighed and ran in myself.

I stumbled on the ice at first and then got the hang of it pretty easily and followed everyone else. I jumped over a couple of fallen kids and skid past turns. It was a pretty quick ride as I skid out of the tunnel and accidentally bumped into Jason and fell onto him...


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