Milae e gwageowa gwageo milae (It's In Korean)

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Krystal's POV

I walked through the corridor, barely making a sound with each step. Eerie thought kept coming into my mind. But every memory having a weird shadow out of place.

I then heard a few creaking sounds and they weren't mines. I quickly scrambled into a small, yet roomy room.

There was a big window that nearly covered an entire wall, but it had curtains that only let in a dim moonlight. I honestly didn't mind, the darkness is usually an enemy when it comes to haunted places, but I felt safer with the curtains closed. There was a small bed to my left, with pastel black and a more pinkish white covers. Heh, you'd expect no pink at all in a haunted place. There was also a small shelf on the right with a desk in it, dark solid wood to be exact. And there were 3 areas in the shelves, one full of books, one with miscellaneous items, and one that only had one item, a golden dagger necklace.

I grabbed it and observed it in my hand then looked into the center of the room. There was a short little table, a pillow on both sides like seats, and on the center of the table was a box.

I probably shouldn't look, it could be a trick...










Damn you curiosity, you win!

I sat myself on one of the pillows and slowly placed my hands onto the lid of the box. I slowly lifted the lid and saw it was filled with sheets of paper.

I grabbed a section of pictures and saw something interesting, yet scary.

They were drawings, very well drawn, of some memories with Sky and the guys. There were some good memories and bad ones, even the ones I didn't remember happening. There was a picture of the Jurassic adventure with Sky, Jason, and me on the coastline. A picture of the fight between me and Lachlan. And what interested me most, a group of unfamiliar and familiar boys in a clearing with some tents and a campfire in the middle.

I then looked up to see a ghostly boy, which mad me stumble back a bit.

The boy had a purple varsity jacket, black shirt, gray jeans, purple sneakers, jet black hair with bangs that covered one eye, and brown eyes.

"W-who are you," I whispered/exclaimed. "Your brother," he smiled "like this place?"

"It does seem less eerie," I replied, relaxed a bit. "That necklace is one of the items needed to get out of here you know," he told me "I found it for you and created a more calming environment to give it too you. I created this room, but it won't stay like this for long. Name's Jin by the way, milae e gwageowa gwageo milae. Later Krystal."

The room started flickering and went from the original room to a more purple gothic Victorian bedroom. It kind of felt eerie, because of how hard it was to run out of the room like this. I quickly ran out of the room before anything else happened.

Milae e gwageowa gwageo milae?

What did that mean?

Suddenly I heard some voices, familiar ones.

Mitch and Jerome?

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