I Was Too Late

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Ty's POV

   I was in the attic of the house and was gnawing and punching/kicking/murdering a couple blocks of obsidian and enderstone (Yes, gnawing. Don't judge!)

   I just couldn't believe it. Kira. She was so obvious to everyone and I was so blind! She loved me. I saw the cuts on her arm. Her messages of hate towards herself. The pictures that expressed her emotions. She saved me from falling into a coma during the battle and ended up in a coma herself. I finally find out that I love her. As soon as Kira woke up, I couldn't stop holding her hand and telling her how much I loved her.

   It stung after hearing her reaction. "What's this love?" I couldn't believe she didn't know what love was. It was probably because of that crash and I couldn't save her. It stung on me more than water. I remember when Kira tried to save me from that rainstorm that one day. She cared so much she had to hide me in a basement to make sure nobody would know because I was a considered on the bad side of Krystal's for a while.

   She cared so much for me and I barely did for her. I'm such an idiot. I continued to gnaw on a piece of obsidian as I heard someone climbing up the ladder to the attic. I just turned away from the trapdoor that lead up here and kept gnawing on my obsidian (What? It's good! Want some? Me: Um, no). It's probably one of the guys anyways.

"Um Ty?"


   I looked and saw Kira's face peeking through the trapdoor as I quickly looked away. "Why are you so upset," she asked "Aren't you happy I'm okay? Don't you care?" I was stabbed by her words. "Of course I am," I said, still gnawing on my obsidian. "Doesn't look like it," she told me "If you don't like me, you could have just said so."

   I stared at Kira in disbelief. I really did care for her. Did she really believe that I didn't care about her. I looked away finally and opened the emergency hatch in the room to release me outside as I flew out. I felt my entire skin start to sting as I flew far off into the forest. In the rain.

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