The Fire

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???????'s POV

I quietly snuck the items into different places of the lab and walked outside. "Time to burn this motherfucker down to nether," I smirked as I lit the place a blaze. I backed away quickly as explosions of fire took over the lab. I had to shield my eyes slightly to avoid my eyes burning from how bright it was.

I looked a second later and grinned at the sight. Everything was on fire, collapsing slightly as the fire got worse. I flipped my phone open and called Solar and Julian.

"Hey, it's done," I told them.

"Good Charlie," Julian's voice popped up in the phone "Now, where is everyone?"

"Practically inside."


He hung up? I guess I did my job.....

Krystal's POV

Everything was burning!? WTF!? I quickly tried to summon water, but I couldn't some how? I need to find everyone! I ran around the place, hoping not to get burnt and found Husky trapped by the fire. I just jumped through the fire and the Mudkip kid just looked at me. "Come on," I told him as I grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the fire. He quickly followed me as I found the exit and jumped out with him.

"Thanks," he told me. "I'll try to get as much people out," I told him "You're part fish- SORRY, not a fish! You're some kind of Water hybrid, just do water or something to help!" I quickly ran back in and bumped into Skybrine. "SKYBRINE," I exclaimed, wrapping my arms around him.

Skybrine's POV

Krystal wrapped her arms around me as I patted her back. "Come on, you have to get out," I told her softly. "No, I need to find everyone," she told me. I bit my lip slightly, scared for her. "Fine, but I'm coming with," I told her. She had worry in her eyes, but nodded. "Come on, we better find them quick!"

Lachlan's POV

Everything was on fire, I couldn't take it! It scared me as I backed away from most of it as much as possible. I then saw Vik try to run to me when some burning bookshelves fell between us. "VIK," I exclaimed. "LACHY," I heard his voice. I then saw Vik jump out of the fire and tackle me into a hug. "I'm so sorry," we said in unison. A flame got closer to us as I tried to protect us with the wings I had.

"Promise, we'll make it out together," Vik asked me. "I can't keep a promise I'm unsure with, Vik," I told him sadly "But I will try my best." I looked around franticly and found what I was looking for, a clearing in the fire and a hole in the roof. "Vik, you better hold on," I told him.

Vik's POV

I obeyed his words and held onto him. I felt us take off and looked to see Lachlan's wings out and flying us out of the fire and out of the building. I was slightly (VERY) terrified of the heights and pulled myself closer to Lachlan, wrapping my arms, legs, and tail around him. "Don't worry, my little kitty," Lachlan cooed me, his arms wrapped around me "Everything's okay now."

I looked down at the burning building and cried to see the beautiful library burning down. It was like me and Lachlan's spot, burning down to a crisp. We landed finally, but I was still wrapped around Lachlan, crying into him. Lachlan kissed my forehead which instantly made me look up. "It's okay," Lachlan whispered to me "Shhh, don't cry..."

He wiped off my tears as I snuggled my head into his chest. "I love you," we said in unison. I suddenly heard running as I turned to see Krystal running out of the building with Rob carrying Preston, Jerome limping and walking with Mitch's support, and Seto on Skybrine's back.

KillerCanadian's POV

I ran (More likely flew) my way back to the building from my killing streak straight after I heard the explosions. It was on fire and I was for the first time slightly scared by the fire. I saw a couple of my friends outside, but I knew some were still in there. Where's KillerK?

I tried by best to run back, but the flames pushed me back slightly. I backed away quickly as the building collapsed a bit more than it was and felt a tear. I suddenly saw someone jump out of the flames. It was KillerK and she had Sara on her back. She put Sara down on the ground and I quickly tackled KillerK down.

"KillerK," I exclaimed. I looked to see KillerK unconscious and hugged her even more. Shit!

(A/N: Yes, I might have stole that from Seraph of the End, help me!)

Spooky's POV

I flew all over the place and found everyone that was still in here. I quickly flew out and found Ty. "TY, KIRA'S IN TROBLE, I MEAN TROUBLE," I screamed then disappeared. I quickly flew over to Jason (who was outside) and screamed "LUNETTA'S IN THE SCIENCE ROOM! GO SAV HER! I MEAN SVAE, I MEAN SAVE!!!" I disappeared and flew to Insane Seto. "MOON, TROUBLE, GO!" Poof. I gone, I give up speech -_-

Jason's POV

I instantly ran off into the lab immediately and quickly dodged the falling and burning ceiling. I skid to a stop in front of the lab and saw Lunetta unconscious her leg trapped in some burning ceiling. Shit, shit, shit! I tried by best to move the burning pieces off of her leg to free her, but what is a 10 year old nerd with noodle arms supposed to do!?

"HELP!!!" I screamed. I summoned a wither skull, but was scared I might hit her. I quickly hit the part of the ceiling as it cracked and was good enough for me to pull her leg out. I put her on my back just as I saw Insane Seto and Moon in front of the lab entrance.

Moon's POV

I quickly ran to Jason and helped him carry Lunetta. "Come on guys," Insane Seto told us. He grabbed me and I grabbed Jason who had Lunetta as we all ran out of the place. I saw a piece of the ceiling about to fall, but I easily made sure everyone avoided that. I quickly lead everyone out of the building and skid to a stop. We made it!

Kira's POV

I was surrounded by the fire, suffocating by all the heat and fire. My most valuable things in my arms so I can die with my stuff. I guess no one noticed how I wasn't out yet. The flames was all I could see now. I closed my eyes as I hugged my stuff.

Ty's POV

I finally flew down into the basement and found Kira, partly burnt. I quickly grabbed her and put out the fire on her. She was unconscious and her stuff were surprisingly fine. I carried her out of the building and joined where the others were. I placed Kira down on the grass and carefully moved her hair from her face.

"Shipped," I heard a voice behind me as I turned to see a ghost disappear behind me. WTF?

Krystal's POV

I smiled to see everyone getting along again after what happened. I sighed as I looked at Skybrine. He was behind me and placed his chin on top of my head. I smirked as I moved myself from Skybrine and came close to him again as I kissed him on the cheek.

He blushed slightly as I smiled. But I frowned when I realized something...

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