Sick Day 3 (150 Chapter Special)

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   Yay, I've reached another 50 chapters, which means I have to start a new Google Doc as back-up the next chapter! I have 3 Gaud Damn Google Docs already!!! Anyways... For this chapter I will introduce one of my first ships that has not happened yet. And no, it's not SkyMU, Skylox, or Merome! It's one of Seto's ships,  who has been lonely for too long!


Seto's POV

   I coughed a little as I wandered the hallways. I just woke up, but I still feel awful. I whimpered a little as I made my way to the room I usually see Krystal and Ian sneak into at night. I slipped in as I coughed loudly and slid my back against the door as I sat down. I looked around a little and observed the room.

   It honestly wasn't too fancy, why do Ian and Krystal even come here every night anyways? It just looked like a small and simple room. I sat on one of the pillows next to the small table as I yawned. I felt really dizzy and I just...

Want to..............


Brice's POV

   I quietly floated to the pillow the small brunette sat in as I pretended to pet him. I was surprised enough to actually feel the touch between my hand and him. He slowly grew a bit pale as his eyes fluttered closed and I carefully put his head on my chest. And his head stayed there. His head didn't fall through me.

   I watched Jin randomly fly in with a blanket and wrap it around the boy and me.  Wait, and me!? I'm supposed have stuff go through me! "How are you feeling," Jin asked me. "I feel," I tried to find the right words "like I was alive again?" I noticed Jin smile as my vision blurred a little.

   "Just rest Brice, just rest," Jin's voice echoed as I felt my head slowly get placed onto the table and everything felt warmer as I slowly drifted to sleep.


Welcome back, SetoSolace! Been a while!

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