Kira's Change

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Krystal's POV

   I slowly opened my eyes to the bright lights of a hospital room. AND DAMN THEY HURT!!! I cover my eyes a bit before noticing the lights dialing down. I sat up and saw nobody here, then remembered about my abilities. As I slowly got up I bumped into someone that just teleported in as I fell to the side of the hospital bed.


   "S-Skybrine," I asked. "Krystal, you're awake," Skybrine exclaimed as I was engulfed into a warm hug. I laid my head onto his chest as I let the calm sound of his heart beating. I finally looked up to see Skybrine lifting me back onto the bed. I blushed a little. Wow, I haven't blushed in a while. Wait.

   "How long has it been," I asked. "About 2 months," Skybrine whimpered. I hugged Skybrine to make sure he didn't whimper at the answers I wanted from him.

"Is everyone okay?"

"Well, Kira, Moon, Lunetta, and KillerK are in coma at the moment."

"Is it bad?"

"No, they should be waking soon"

"Everyone else?"

"Everyone else just had a couple gashes, bruises, and scratches. It isn't too bad really..."

"Gashes aren't too bad!?"

"Better than being in coma, right?"

"Well, I guess."

  I saw Ty teleport in with Jason, Insane Seto, while KillerCanadian came in through a  window (Wow -_-). "Oh Krystal's awake," Jason exclaimed. "Oh hey," Ty smiled. The others just waved before going to their place beside their crush's (*Snicker*) bed. I notice the girls starting to wake up as well. Lunetta and Jason were in a hug of absolute cuteness (Yes, I'm serious. They're so cute!!!). Moon and Insane Seto were deep in conversation. The Killers were just chatting over something and then Kira. Ty was holding Kira's hand and Kira didn't seem too bothered.

   Not bothered at all. She didn't react to much to the hearty gesture. She didn't blush at all, she didn't have her entire face light up, she just stayed neutral as if it was normal. Skybrine also seemed to notice Kira's actions and helped me up and over to Kira.

   "Hey Kira," I smiled to her. "Hey Krystal," she smiled back. I notice Ty teleport away and felt a tiny aura of fear disappear with Ty. "Um, what happened to Ty," Skybrine asked Kira. "Oh, I don't know," she explained "I was just talking to him and then he told me about this unfamiliar word to me. When I asked him what the word meant, it's like his entire expression just gave out and faded away."

Her tone, it felt off. "What was the word that you ask," I questioned her.


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