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Krystal's POV

I woke up a bit earlier and kind of checked my calendar, 2 days til Halloween!

Yes, can't wait to see how Herobrine's son celebrates Halloween! I searched through the stacks of books to my old journal and checked on something, universal stories to be exact.

After checking, I reached for the book we were reading last night just as everyone woke up.

"Who wants to continue reading," I chimed as I held the book up.

"We do," they all exclaimed with no sleepiness in their voices as they sat up into crisscrosses. I grabbed the candle from under the hat and placed it next to me. 

~ After An Hour Or So Of Reading Later ~

"And now I'm scared of the dark," Jason whimpered, hugging Sky. Sky just sat there playing with Jason's hair. And I honestly, I didn't mind it. Sure it was gay, but I found it cute.

"I'd say, that was scary," Mitch shivered "are there any sequels?"

I smiled widely as Jason's face went a bit pale.

"In fact, yes there are," I then frowned looking at Jason, who seem to grow paler by the minute.

"Jason, you okay," I asked him "you're going a bit pale."

"Not really," he mumbled sounding a bit drowsy. "Go ahead and sleep a little more," Sky sooth Jason a bit.

"No, I don't want nightmares," Jason cried, still a bit drowsy.

"Aw," I giggled "you and Sky can get some alone time while... I take Mitch and Jerome to do... whatever!"

I quickly grabbed Jerome and Mitch's arms and teleported us out.

Sky's POV

I saw the 3 teleport away and Jason just turned paler.

"Promise nothing will happen to me," Jason asked me, still pale.

"I will try my best," I told him "life might has its turns, but I'll try my best."

Jason's eyes slowly closed and drifted to sleep.

I smiled a bit. I was bisexual so yeah, Jason looks cute in his sleep.

But then he started tossing and turning. I hugged him and he stopped.

I blushed realizing that in his dreams, I'm probably protecting him.

"S-sky," he mumbled in his sleep.

I layed down next to him and let him hug me.

I thought that if I sleep with him, I could see what he was dreaming.

So I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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