Ch. 1 : Into Your World...Angel??

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It was my first day at my new school.

My new life has just begun.

I was feeling very anxious of how things from now on will turn out. So with a smile plastered in my face, I took my very first step inside, into a new environment. The loudness of their chatting and laughing ceased the moment I entered. Now, all of their confused looks were focused on me. But out all of those eyes staring, one pair caught my attention.

Someone from the back row possessing big round tantalizing eyes, innocently dazing upon me, slowly examining my entirety, took the breath out of me; looks that hypnotizes whoevee comes to contact with it.

How mesmerizing. I simply thought.

Time is a luxury and that’s something I could not afford. A tall man tapped me on my shoulder as he ceased my reverie and made his way in front of the class. It seemed like he was our homeroom teacher, Mr. Richards.

He motioned his hand telling me to come closer. "Starting today, she will be your new classmate."

"How about introducing yourself to them Miss Jeong?" He added with a complacent tone.

"O-oh. Yes sir."

I took in a deep breath before I started introducing myself, "Hi, my name is Angela Mae Jeong. I just transferred today. Please take good care of me." and ended it with a smile. 

I was staring blankly into space; waiting for any response they could give yet no one dared to speak a word. The entire room ringed nothing but a complete awkward silence.



I was about to take a step when I heard one of them speak.

"Hi~" He waved.

Upon breaking the silence, the others also did the same. The whole lot of them chorused, sending out questions and warm welcomes from all directions.

"WELCOME~ Angela~"

"Your cute~"

"Hello miss~!"

"Where are you from?"

"Annyeong~ ~"

Their warm welcomes were very assuring. Thank God things are going well. It was something I didn't expect from them. I mean they were silent a few minutes ago when I entered then this…loud as they can be.

The guy from the back only waved a hand, beaming a sweet smile as part of his greeting. Though simple, it was enough to make me blush, crimson red unconsciously flushing on my cheeks. 

He's so damn cute! I cooed in my mind yet placing only a smiling face as my facade.

I wish I could sit right next to him. But, the only available chair was the one next to a sleeping guy. How unfortunate. Oh well, it's not like I have any other choice.

I slowly made my way to my seat, still able to catch glimpse of him looking at me. DAMN! My knees were getting weak just by his looks. Oh God, please help me! I might just die right now! First day and I'm already flirting? Say what?

It was not that far away from his. I just need to turn my head slightly to the side and there he is. Shoot! He's still looking at me. What do I do? Well, there was nothing more to do because class had already started. So, I just beamed him a smile back, sheepishly.

All throughout class the guy next to me just snoozed off like a baby. Even our teachers didn't bother to wake him up. I guess it's a natural thing for them? How nice.



The bell loudly rang, signaling everyone that it was time for lunch.

I was about to talk to him when another cute guy suddenly popped out of nowhere and called out to someone inside our room. "Kyungsoo Hyung let's go!" And without any further hesitations, Kyungsoo quickly leaped out of his chair and went to where he was.

"Hmmm. So that's his name, Kyungsoo." I was smiling to myself as I remember. "He's cute~." I added, causing me to sheepishly blush on my own once again. What snapped out of my day-dreaming was when I realized that I still needed to see Mr. Richards to formally finalize my transfer.

So I rushed out of the door, causing a lot of ruckus. Not that it bothered anyone though, because all that was left in the room was me and my ever sleeping seatmate, dreaming all that he can, while everyone else went downstairs to eat their lunch at the cafeteria.

"Where was the faculty room again?" I mumbled to myself, still looking in all directions to where it was.

Classes were already about to start and I'm lost in the middle of nowhere. Asking should be the best thing to do but I don't want to look that pathetic in front of others.

I let out a deep sigh and started panicking the moment I saw the time. There was only 10 minutes left before our next class starts and I’m still a puppy lost somewhere in between everywhere and nowhere.

"Oh God! Please, let me be there on time. I don't want to be late."

I was quickly heading down the staircase leading to our classroom when I suddenly felt my body floating on air. No, I was not floating in midair!? I was FALLING down the staircase! All I could do that moment was close my eyes and hope for a safe fall, my arms completely blocking my front and my whole body stiff as a rock, waiting for an impending impact against the solid floor.


"Are you okay?" An angelic voice ringed in my ear. As I slowly opened my eyes, I saw myself being held by a guy. The warm sun light coming from the outside enveloped him from behind, making his smooth milky skin glow. His reassuring touch that held me close to him made me feel like I was still floating – This time on cloud-nine. Those chiseled chin, cherry plump lips, perfect nose line and those big tantalizing round eyes held me captivated.

"Are you an Angel?" I blurted out in my disoriented state.


Based on the given definition....WHO do you think Angela's Angel is?!?

Hahahaha..Bear with my story til the end, okay?! Happy reading guys. ^ _ ^

Note : This chapter has been refined. Added some parts into it but did not change the flow of the story. That would be a mess XD. . .Why? Well, I re-read this chapter again and It felt stiff and not so good for me. . well what can we do. . .still an amatuer. (>__________<)


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