Ch. 49 : When Things Starts Going Down.

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A/N: Before Hiatus Gift Spam Update No. 1

Entry date (06/30/2014) 


Thursdays are just like any other school days; they never do stand out from those that come before it or the one that comes right after. It’s just another day to spend with friends, count the never-ending minutes during class hours, or at times, it’s just one more day to let it pass by, like nothing happened.

Juniel sighs. It’s been a week since she started avoiding Sehun, stopped answering his calls or messages and treated him like an invisible man seeking for attention. Who could blame her for being rough on the younger? They toyed with her and she was played, but out of those thoughts lingering at the back of her mind, she hated herself the most for not kissing Sehun back that night – that night after she met Luhan out on the streets. She could have, but she didn’t. She could still remember how his lips stayed for seconds over hers, unmoving, waiting for her to kiss him back but the bliss of putting her arms around his neck and replying back the warm kiss he first gave came cut when one bitter reasoning trampled through and ruined it all – her pride. He pushed him away and ran back to her house. Sehun never came back and Kai had already been gone by then, with their things.

“Maybe some fresh air would help.” She says, lazily.

Exam’s week also passed along with her harsh treatment yet now, all she could think is ‘I hope Sehunnie did well…he did right?’ which only costs her another sigh to leave her mouth as she continues her walk through the crowded halls. From one spot, she heard screaming girls though it seemed more like they were squealing for something.

“Oppa~” One of them called out, with hearts in her eyes.

“Oppa! Please tutor me so that my grades would also go up!”

“Me too! Me too, oppa!”

Juniel rolls her eyes, opting to take one more step out that chaos but as soon as she regains her movement, one of the girls crowding over at the distance moved and cleared a sight at a familiar face. She stopped. Juniel never knew why but her body just did. I-it’s Sehun. Sehun was smiling, beaming all of those girls with nothing but a bright smile that broke her heart with just one look. It took him one more second to finally notice her way across the expanse and what Juniel saw only broke her heart some more. Sehun’s brightness fades in one turn. Once he catches a glimpse of Juniel standing at the side line, he just changed. His face turned stoic, no emotions whatsoever, and that look was enough for Juniel to signal herself to just go, make a run for it and escape his loveless eyes.

It’s over… She honestly thinks, brushing her own tears before they could even fall.

Sehun’s face never looked so brutal, his eyes never looked so lifeless and his lips never looked so frozen, as if it was a Sehun she was meeting for the first time.

If not now, then when? Love waits, yes, but it either grows or it either dies. Luhan’s words lingered longer than she actually thought. His words haunted her more every single day after they – she stopped speaking to Sehun. And now, she has her answer.

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