Ch. 26 : Let's stop this...

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A/N: Quick Update. Sehun filled chapter. HAPPY NEW YEAR! BOOM! NOM NOM NOM~


"If you're scared.. Just close your eyes and hold on...." Kai shouted, overpowering the loudness coming from his motor and the cars around them. "....and, never let go."

He wished she could have heard those words he said, but unfortunately, it seemed like Angela didn't. There was no one else to blame but himself. That last moment, he chickened out and let the monstrous loud engines of those that pass by them take over his meek little voice.

Next time...

He ought to himself. That he would tell her every single bit of what he feels the next time Heaven allowed him to do so. But for now, he's got to find his way out of hell first in order to reach the light, alone.


As the color filled night slips its way and fade into grey, one more restless smile seemed to tire as the non-stopping seconds came and pass by.

There he was. In a spot seated near the railed edge of the mezzanine, bringing only two important things. One, a bouquet of flowers, all that she liked and some that added in beauty, to say how sorry he was for not telling the truth. And two, was himself, just the plain him and his heart, to show her that...him and her......Them. It was all true.

"Don't worry Sehun...she'll come...." He reassured himself, yet, the situation didn't seem to agree.

It's been like what? An hour and a half, still...nothing. She wouldn't dare answer his calls and even when she did, it was a click to shut him down. His text messages were also ignored. As if he had been blacklisted from her heart, only to be recognized as a lying criminal.

Harsh, yes. But in all fact, he knew that it was indeed his fault from the very start.

Back then, during the first time he had seen her. It was supposed to be a simple lunch by their table like always, when his hyungs called out to a pair of unfamiliar faces from within the crowd. There wasn't a thing mutual about them, nothing special at first. She was just another stranger made into a friend.

But, one thing led after the other...

Unknowingly, her cheeky smiles suddenly turned as precious and priceless as the stars. Her nervous looks that seemed normal became a trigger that flicked a never-wracking feeling everytime it landed on him. And, those plain natural acts she makes, in a blink of his eye, turned out to be all cute in many imaginable ways they could be.

Except, this changes were never planned to happen. It just did.

All that he was supposed to be was just a decoy to divert her attention from Angela, the group and the lies. A piece of the untold truth he wished right now to have never been part of. But it's too late. Too late to undo the damages he had done. She was hurt upon knowing the truth and that caused him more pain. Because, he was the source of her pain.

How he wished it wouldn't surface. That what was and were, stayed buried under the piles of the past. But no, life wasn't supposed to be that easy. Karma had to be a boomerang that comes back when one least expects it.

"I'm an epic fail...just as always..." 

More and more people went in and out of where he was, just like the minutes circling in the watch wrapped around his wrist but there were no signs of the one he loved. Oh how he prayed it would stop, everything, all of it. So that he would not run out of time.

Tears started welling up in his round orbs, hands clamped and weak, and his heart sank deeper with every beat. It was then that he started accepting things. "She's not coming."

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