Ch. 40 : Young and Stupid, Byun Baekhyun.

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A/N: Who is Taeyeon? What is she to Baekhyun? Day-5 of continuous UD~


If there is a time when Baekhyun would go back to – it’s when… It’s when he had Taeyeon within the circle of his arms. It’s when Baekhyun could still plant a kiss on her forehead every morning before class starts. It’s when Baekhyun could still feel ticklish whenever she would bury herself on his neck, feeling her warm breaths ghosting over his skin as they cuddle on the school’s rooftop.  It’s when Taeyeon would laugh at his silly jokes and pout at their petty fights.


It’s when every day is a day for him to look forward to.


The time when Kim Taeyeon loved Byun Baekhyun the most.



Angela elbows her seatmate with a worried look on her face but Baekhyun only shrugged her off with a fake smile on his lips and fake glints in his eyes. He tells her to go on without him. Angela hesitantly stands up and tries to ask him again if there’s anything he’d like except Baekhyun’s slumping body served as his reply. Nope, he doesn’t want any.


Then he was alone.


“Kim–Tae–yeon…” Baekhyun coos under lazy breathes. The thought of her name brushing softly on his lips was still able to make him smile, he subconsciously takes note of it. A smile enough to make him frown seconds later as he sighs.


Babe…yet the word hits like a pang on his chest. It hurts and it hurts more to see her still hurting after all those years.


His fingers tapping on the wooden desk is the only sound that ringed in the whole expanse of their room. He remembers, it’s usually this time around when someone would take a peek of him from across the halls, blushing in full crimson red when Baekhyun would look at her with his simple eye smiles.


At first, things were just like that, but then the days after another turned out to be much different than it was than the days before. Baekhyun started looking forward to everything she does. Even the most simple of things, he finds it damn cute when it’s her doing it. He doesn’t know why but everyone around him certainly knew that he was falling hard in love. He did not detest the thought; in fact it actually made him happier.


She was simple. She was shy (not for too long). She – Taeyeon was everything Baekhyun never thought he would find to love.



Yah! Byun Baekhyun! Baekhyun’s lips part in awe. I – It’s her.  B-but how? How many times do I have to tell you not to skip lunch, huh? Taeyeon charges inside the room with an undeniable ‘grr’ on her face.



Still as lovely as ever. Baekhyun internally comments.



Look I’m tired and apparently I have no appetite, okay?, and then, there’s him? sitting right in front of him.

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