Ch. 27 : #HappyKaiSooDay

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A/N: Sorry for the late UD. #HappyKaisooDay~


The next morning came and Angela had finally found a way to scurry off from the zestful BaekYeols chitchatting about dogs then food, to some online game called ‘Ragnarok?’ and the last but not the least, saving their best topic for last, Armpit hairs. Gross. Yes. That's exactly what Angela had thought of it too but men will always be men in their own naturally manly ways.

She went ahead of her way to school, disregarding the two.

First step beyond the gates and there was something different or rather peculiar about everybody's demeanor. Almost half the school was in their festive mood and she practically don't know why. Angela was so sure that there ain't any scheduled events today or the passing week, so how come?

As her slow paced walk and perused eyes observe all the decors and aesthetics unfolding upon her, a set of younger girls kept giggling with their hushed whispers that seemed too loud from the distance. They hold with their pair of petite hands a banner of some sort that says...


 "And what's that supposed to mean?" She mumbled.

"You really don't know?" A familiar voice from behind ringed. “Well, figures.”

“Suho-ssi, don’t pop out of nowhere like that. You almost scared the hell out of me!”


“Hmm?” Angela deadpans.

“I told you before to call me Suho oppa, didn’t I? I’m still a year older than you.” He said before landing a light bump on her head.

“Ishhh.. Fine, fine. So can you tell me what this is all about? Suho Oppa?” Deliberately emphasizing the last part of her sentence with a slight touch of sarcasm, it did not escape from Suho’s keen hearing yet he chose to shrug it away.

“Good girl.” Angela rolled her eyes and contained herself with a pout. A few more of these doggy-treating manners of his and she will surely won’t be able to hold off. But for friendship’s sake and respect for the elderly, she will try her best not to.

“Today is the 13th and---“ He was cut off in the middle when Angela retorted back. “Yeah, I know.”

“Let me finish first, would you?” He quipped, making Angela fish out a ‘Peace’ sign at him. “As I was saying, today is the day that Kyung---“

“It’s a post celebration of Kyungsoo’s and pre-celebration of Kai’s Birthday.” Baekhyun interrupted.

“God! No one respects me these days.” Suho sighed in vain. “Fine then, you tell her what today is.” Not a moment too soon and he was off, mumbling incomprehensible words along with his short steps.

“Suho hyung is becoming more and more melodramatic, don’t you think?” Chanyeol voiced, eyeing the older with a slight creased brows.

“Signs of aging, Yeol. Signs-of-AGING!” Baekhyun chortled.

“I heard that!” Suho screamed, making the three of them to make a run for it amidst their non-stopping burst of laughter.


“I didn’t even get to greet him…” Angela muffled, slumped alone and seatmate free on top of her desk. He was absent, of course, so how could she? They could have spoken of it a bit yesterday but she was too busy drifting all over the place to even take notice.

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