Ch. 21 : Him

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Author's note:

Hi! Sorry for the slow update. Been busy lately plus the fact of still not being able to cope up with my dilemma. Hahaha..Oh well, I'll keep writing though. ^____^



The anniversary party for Kyungsoo's parents kept on going through the darkening night. After some short and long messages from their loving relatives, a toast was then made to commemorate the event. Then, it was party time. The moment everyone had been waiting for.

Many were taking the time showing their skills in the dance floor especially the two young lads, Kai and Sehun. They were practically dominating every upbeat songs played by the DJ with their slick and sexy dance moves. Add some pretty boy looks along with those steps and you can practically hear hundreds of girls swooning over them from a mile away. And as if their killer smirks were not enough, they just have to do that crotch touching sexiness in front of their dying fan girls. In the meanwhile, Baek and Chan chose to just stay seated and watch the others from afar. Suho, for one, took the liberty of going on rounds sweet-talking one lady to another. No one can blame him. It's one of the natural instincts of a man with a million dollar looks, to flirt.

Kyungsoo on the other hand swept Angela off her feet to somewhere away from the noise and flickering lights, a quiet place just for the two of them. After singing his heart out for Angela, there is no stopping him now in giving it his all. 


It was quiet, the two of them. No one was talking nor did one of them dared to start a conversation. Not until Kyungsoo broke a cough and started it off.

"This was.. my mom's favorite..."


"The garden. The flowers, my biological mom planted each one of them."

Angela couldn't help but feel happy? Well, Kyungsoo opening up like this only comes once in a blue moon. It is true that he shows off a cold front at times, bluntly says a lot of mean things without a care in the world and acts like he does not worry for others but the truth is he has a deeper side beyond those facades he kept on wearing. Inside, Angela felt something more. She felt sorry for Kyungsoo must be because she also knew the pain of losing someone so special, her dad.

"I'm sorry, Kyung..."

"It's okay. I know that my mom's in a better place right now. Your dad, too." Kyungsoo said, shyly looking at the flowers in front of him.

"H-how did you know about my dad?"

"Your mom told me this morning."

Their conversation went into a halt; an awkward silence ceased the moment. Her dad, she still remembers everything like it only happened yesterday. How his embrace warms up a cold stormy night. How his stories about angels replaced her nightmares and filled it with dreams. How his firm back was the most comfortable cushion she could ever ask for. And, how, his father begged for Angela to pull off the cord sustaining his life.

*Do angels know how to mend a broken heart?* She thought, ever since. A question she kept asking herself in which no reply came back and answered it. Angela's tears were welling up but she could not afford and break into tears in front of Kyungsoo at that time. So she took every ounce of strength she could to suppress it but remembering was just too painful. The tears won't stop.

Kyungsoo noticed Angela's reddening eyes except he knows not how to deal with it, how to comfort a broken heart, because it was the same for him too. His mom was his source of happiness. How Kyungsoo was the spitting image of his mother's heart shaped smile. How he cuddles himself onto her arms during those sleepless nights. How his mother taught him how to cook and take care of plants. And, how, everything just slipped away right in front of his eyes.

But, this night was not supposed to be a throwback Saturday in which the both of them should reminisce the past. 

Kyungsoo took the lead in cheering Angela up. The best way his mom taught him to. He faced her, placed his hands on her cheeks and made her face his way. Still, a hint of sadness was plastered on Angela's face. But the trick does not stop there....


"Oh my God, Dear! Don't tell me.....HE KISSED YOU!?" Angela's mom was in a state of panic? Well, from the looks of it. She looked like she was having the time of her life listening to her daughter's romantic night, giggling like a little girl back in her prime. If she only knew how many times Kyungsoo snatched a kiss from her.

"No, Mom!!" She briefly denied. As if things couldn't get worse, her mom's imagination can sometimes (a lot of times) run wild so easily.

The next thing that really happened that night was Kyungsoo pinched both of her cheeks and forced her to smile while he did the same, beaming Angela a wide crescent grin back at her. This was the secret technique his mother always did to ensure a big smile on Kyungsoo's face no matter how big his problem was. Angela could not help but retaliate and flinch herself away in that very embarrassing scene. After a second, of not being able to, she just fought back and did the same to him.

"It helped, right?" Kyungsoo rendered a simple smile, all red.

He was right. Though, it did not change the past or took the pain away, at the very least it helped take her mind away off of those unwanted memories. Plus now, she can't even stop smiling. Both of them can't. Every time they would remember how the other's face looked so silly, they would just start laughing and laughing until they are out of breath.

"Thanks, Kyung...I mean really...Thank you."


"Mom? ....."


"What do you think of...."

"Think of what, dear?"

Angela couldn't possibly think why she was asking such stuff. She could not deny the fact that they had a rough start but by the way things are progressing now, there is something inside that keeps on troubling her to know what her mom thinks of him. 

"What do you think of.......him?" Angela shyly cooed.

And like a detonating bomb, her mom just blew her top off, face all red, running in full speed to her daughter, hugged her tight and said "He is...."


^___________^ Hahaha..CLIFF HANGER

sorry again.


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