Ch. 16 : EXO - K

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[Author's P.O.V.]

"Oh right. We haven't formally introduced ourselves to you girls" Said the milky white guy. Starting from him the introductions went in a clockwise pattern. "My name is Kim Junmyeon but a lot of the students here know me by the name, Suho."

"Haha. Do I need to? You already know me, Angela. Park Chanyeol."

"Byun Baekhyun here."

"Do Kyungsoo. D.O. for short."

*Short? Hahaha~ Yes, you're short compared to them.*

An abrupt silence came after the four merry introductions. From across the table, a guy with a dark complexion disrupted the flow. Looks of uninterest plastered in that face of his with both arms crossed and back laid back against the white plastic monobloc.

"Pst! Your turn." Whispered loudly by the Derp-Tower.

Still having those nonchalant looks, he bluntly spewed out the words "Kim Jongin. Kai." making the others seated around the table a little bit uncomfortable. After him, also came an abrupt silence. Not because of the same reason with Kai but because the last one to speak was as shy as a three year old child.

"Hi. My name is Oh Sehun. You can call me Sehun if you'd like to."

"Aigoo~ Still shy around girls, Sehun-ah?" Teased by Chanyeol making the others burst into laughter. Well, not all of them. Kai did not show any emotions just a poker face and a timely glare at Angela. Sehun on the otherhand blushed in embarrassment.

Juniel? Don't worry she's still breathing beside Sehun. Though, from this view you could see her being as stiff as a rock but at least you can still consider her alive. Haha.

"Just let him be, Chanyeol." Baek halting Chan's teasing.

"He's usually like that when in front of pretty girls. So, no worries." Suho defending the younger one.

"Not to mention that he's the youngest in the group." Kyung shortly added.

All Angela could do was smile and laugh as she listens to the chattering of the four boys in front of her. Yet, on the other hand Kai had the opposite emotionless expression on his face.

*What's up with this guy. What's with the look!? Scary much? More like ANNOYING much. He's not like this before. Well, it's not like he and I were friends to begin with.*

"Hey, we're not yet done with the introduction guys." Suho reminded them.

In perfect unison everyone, even the bitch-faced Kai, energetically shouted. "We are One. We are EXO-K."

*E-Ex-Exo what?!*

"Hahahaha~ EXO what?" Angela chuckled even though it looked more of a laugh.

The from out of nowhere, the ROCK I mean Juniel spoke in a completely shock tone. "What? Angela, you don't know EXO-K?!" 

Everyone was left in awe including Angela that Juniel spoke clearly and loudly just a few seconds ago. Who wouldn't? For the longest of time they were seated there Juniel did not let out even a single sound or did she even made a sound. Literally, she was just like a statue sitting there.

"It's quite alright, Juniel. She only transferred a few days ago so she must not have heard of it before." Kyungsoo softly stated as he take a spoonful of spaghetti to his mouth.

"Shoot." Suho suddenly stood up of his chair and quickly packed his things. "I've got to go, guys."

"Why hyung?" Sehun sheepishly asked.

"I'm late for a meeting with the Student Body President."

"Hyung, wait for me." Chanyeol quickly did the same. "Angela. *smile*. Juniel. Nice to meet you again. I've got some things to do in the library so I'll go ahead as well."

They both seemed to be in a hurry. *What a waste of precious food.*  Angela's thought concerning about what's left in their plates. 

"Don't even think about it, Angela." Kyungsoo snapping out the one seated next to her. "I know you." He added.

She darted him back a what-the-heck-is-he-a-mindreader shocked look. Kyungsoo caught her. In her thoughts she was planning on taking the leftovers along with her. Angela loves food and she hates leftovers, that's why.

"I think it's also time for us to be getting back to class." Baekhyun said after shifting his looks back from his black Cartier watch.

With that said, the rest got ready and packed their things. Angela, the food loving size 0 lassie, finished her meal in full speed gulping down everything on her plate first before getting ready. Baekhyun could not handle the enjoyment and burst into laughter upon seeing that CUTE-ishly sight , from his own perspective of course. Kai, as usual. BITCH-FACED.

The cafeteria that had a sea of people vanished in an instant. Maybe, because time passed by quickly upon engaging themselves in a vibrant chat while having lunch. Making some new friends and an enemy? in the process.

. . .

It was Kyungsoo and Baekhyun silently leading the walk back to class. Sehun and Juniel coming next affter them. They seem to be getting along quite well now. Chatting and chuckling along the student filled corridors. While, Angela on the third row and Kai behind her.

"Looks can be quite decieving." It was Kai suddenly muttering out words from behind.


Slowly, Kai's steps were gaining with Angela's. "A game is a game always remember that. Don't be too attached with it or else you'll just end up hurt in ways you can't imagine." Letting out a smirk after his statement.

"I don't get what your saying, Kai." She replied back but it was too late. The tall dark guy already passed by leaving her in the back row filled with questions.


Hahahaha sorry for the long wait...been BUSY!!!! Well, everyone is since it's schooldays....

Just like I do in almost every chapter~ THANK YOU!! for giving time to read my works..AD reached 800+ reads in just 2-3 months!!!?? YEY!!!! I'm happy....hahahaha well it happened because of you guys. ^_____________^

THANK YOU SO MUCH~ In exchange to this I'll make sure to put more interesting happenings as the story unfolds.


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