Ch. 37 : Taking Chances pt.3

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A/N: One more Quick UD readily made XD.


The waves crashing on the shores alone were already music to his ears. Even the warmness of the sand touching his skin, salty breeze hovering over at the tip of his nose and the yellow-orange sun glows were up to set and level his mood. It was serene and Byun Baekhyun loved how it perfectly fills him up just by simply being there, alone.


Yet, alone never stayed for too long.


“Mind if I take a seat?” Angela caught him out from his deepening thoughts and Baekhyun only nodded in reply, a smile quickly plastered on his face.


“Wow, that’s new. You’re not with Soo.” Heck that rhymes and he’s the only one entertained.


“He says he needs to prepare for dinner. So I decided to walk around and poof, here I am, with you. Plus, for your information Mister Byun, I’m not always with him.”


“Ugh, yes you are.” Baekhyun quickly turns with a teasing grin on his face as he purposely rubs it in.


“Am not, it’s you that’s always with Yeol.” Angela doesn’t know where that one came from but she felt the need to say something out in her defense.


“Well, Yeollie’s my best bud and might I just ask, Soo’s like – your what?”


“Pft. You’re spending way too much time with your best bud there that you’re starting to act weird, you know?” She softly lets a snicker out at the thought. “Wait, don’t tell me you’re jealous?”


It was a tease, something platonic that really didn’t have any meaning in between the lines, but no, Baekhyun was prepared to answer Angela with a truthful heart.


Baekhyun was somewhat dead serious from the start, dashed with a bit of sarcasm when she came and now, Baekhyun’s mood slightly turned flat. The teasing smirk he wore a few seconds ago fades along as he turns and face the sea, and Angela saw it all, how he suddenly changed on the spot.


With the sunset’s rays lighting his face, he weakly answered back. “…What – what if I am?”


Angela knows that if it was the Baekhyun he had known, someone fun and carefree, she’d be able to laugh it off and take whatever it is as a simple joke then shrug it off later on. But this time, she has not the slightest of clue of what to answer back.


Things turned awkward after that, and Baekhyun just lets things be. Silence was her answer and he gladly replied the same tone back. All that was left to ring in their ears were the waves crashing a bit louder than before and occasional sighs leaving the tip of Baekhyun's lips. Oh how Baekhyun wished to have been alone all this time, yet his heart contrasts his appeal of that thought. It hurts, but Angela being the source of it and being there, sitting right next to him, takes the inevitable pain away.


I must be crazy, he thinks, crazy in love. And just like a lot of things he had let to pass, Baekhyun decides to do the same with this one too.

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