Ch. 8 : Byun Baekhyun

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"OH!?" My eyes grew big when I saw him making his way towards me. A big heart-melting smile paired with cute smiling Asian eyes beaming from across the room. I tried looking around but I was the only one there at the side of the room. So, it's for me?

…That honey-glazed sweet smile?

…Those bright smiling looks?

For me?

W-wait up. He was the guy from earlier, right? B-But, what is he doing here?

"So, we're in the same class huh?" He said as he made his way in front of me.

I was stuck there with nothing to say. Star struck much?! I thought to myself.

He passed by me and took the vacant seat right next to mine, still wondering why and who he is. "Um...wh –" I was about to ask him when I was interrupted by that oh so unpleasing voice. Well, for me it is. For the others, it was a deep soothing angelic voice.

"Back so soon? And already flirting on your first day too, huh?" Kyungsoo bluntly said as he entered the room.

"What's with the attitude, Kyung? You're not even going to ask how I was?" The guy seated next to me brightly replied. Both of our looks pinned to one another from across the room. I was about to avert my gaze when my peripheral view caught his actions.

He extended his arms and with his right-hand thumb he touched his face and let his finger run and play with his lips, pertaining to one spot only – the spot where I bit him hard.

This did not escape the keen observant eyes of the Gossip Girls and by-passers. Not a moment too soon, the whole class started buzzing from all corners.

"O-oppa…what happened? Does it hurt?"  One of his fan girls worriedly asking.

"Mm" He replied, nodding his head in agreement to her questions. His face wearing some (freaky-weird) sad-puppy dog looks. 

Wow! Just wow. Great acting! I've seen that before. Actually, it was just this morning. So it was all an act. It's a good thing that I didn't fall for it.

"Serves you right..." I silently mumbled to myself, rolling my eyes with pure sarcasm. I was completely into my thoughts. I didn't even notice that he, the guy next to me, was closely focused on my irritated face.

"So, it was you, huh?" His voice quickly snapped me back to myself.

"H-huh!?" I didn't know what to say. "Umm…" Still nothing crossed my mind. "Well, you see..."

"Hahahahahaha!" What the?

"You're cute." He said after breaking out from his rather soft yet loud chuckle.

"W-wait. What? C-cute?! Me?"  What the heck?!

"Chill, no worries. I won't tell." Tell what??  

I don't know what he's up to but if his friends with that He-devil, best be careful from him too.  


I'm hungry. Just a few more minutes, bear with it. Why is time ticking so slow? I didn't even have a proper breakfast this morning. Whose fault? Try guessing. 

CLUE. It rhymes with He's a Devil in disguise. 

Do Kyungsoo?

CORRECT! You won One Million Pesos with a Brand New House and Lot!! Sarcasm filled my entire thoughts. 

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