Ch. 14 : The Apology and Affirmation

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[Author's P.O.V.]

The feels of a happy afternoon chat with two new friends remain. By the time they separated paths it was already dark. From afar, she shouted another rounds of goodbyes before the two boys' figures completely vanished from her line of sight.

Making her way back home, her only companion was the brightly lit lamp posts on every side of the empty residential street, diligently lighting her way as she takes every step at her own pace at ease. It was a silent walk that evening. Houses near and far with their lights on didn't create that much of a noise. Just a hush reverberation coming from the TV and clanking of kitchen wares getting ready for dinner. Car noises in the busy streets also weren't able to penetrate the solemnity of that wonderful night. The beautiful sounds of crickets and rustling leaves were even louder from her perception. Also, the cats meowing in a melodic soulful tune from the perimeter walls of a not so distant house helped lightened the mood. Everything was oh-so-peaceful.

Little did dear Angela know that the wheels will soon be turned, from floating on cloud nine where she was to a sudden free fall to tears and sadness; an aftertaste of that unpleasant experience. Or rather, a hark back of that bitter sweet lips of a devil.

She stopped in the midst of her walking. Just a few more steps – four more to be exact. Angela didn't know why but there was this feeling of hesitation that came on to her suddenly, hesitating to take those four more steps around the corner. She knew very well that beyond that point was the warm safety of her home. But, what she could not comprehend was the silhouette of a person standing in front of her.

Standing there with his back against a lamp post, in deep thoughts, not moving even an inch like a statue, head drooping down with his looks on the ground. Though, there was only darkness covering his face his eyes glimmers in a despondent way. Eyes filled with sadness and regret, eyes that only she saw for the first time.

"Kyungsoo?" Angela quietly voiced out.

Her body froze right on the spot. Just as how fast the cold wind blew to her direction, Kyungsoo did the same, maybe even faster. She is now in the arms of his tight grip. A tight grip filled with millions of silent words. Only to be heard and understood by the opposite person's heart. Well, if only she could. 

Angela tilted her head a few more inches up still in that state of daze, pondering to herself what was currently happening. Only to find herself standing there like a monolith inside the arms of a guy she hated in between two lamp posts, one flickering on and off, below that picturesque starry moonlit sky. 

A few more brushes from the strands of hair on her neck made Angela snapped back to her full consciousness, regaining her composure as she releases herself from Kyungsoo's hug. Her hands made its way to his arms trying to break its link. But it didn't work. Her hands were now on his waist, with one pulling along his shirt and the other pushing him off of her. 

"Angela, please…listen." He silently cooed on to the other's ear.

"Kyung –" Her eyes slowly being filled with glistening little tears. 

"I'm sorry." Kyungsoo's two heart-felt spoken words took any ounce of strength in her limbs. Only to be supported up with his more tightened hug. From this point on, Angela already knew her stone heart had given up. It only took two sincere words from him to melt that inch thick ice covering her fragile heart.  She had already forgiven him. Somehow. in a way, that she had accepted it but needs more to be truly convinced.


"Why?" Angela broke the awkward silence between the two of them. This time some place different, from the cold empty streets to a nearby playground, each of them both seated on the slightly rustic steel swing set. With the only difference in sight, Angela has her head up looking to the star filled night sky while Kyungsoo has his on the pale dusty ground.

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