Ch. 19 : XOXO~ (Part 2 : Make-Over Glam Style)

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[Author's P.O.V.]

"Mom, I'm home." She half-heartedly called out upon entering their front door. 

"What's the problem, dear?" Mrs. Jeong worriedly asked. To which made Angela straighten up and shook her head along with a forced smile denying her mom's claims. "Oh, okay then." Leaving her with a questioning look from her daughter's abstruse actions.

"Mom, I'm not going anywhere tomorrow. So, don't wake me up early. PLEASE~" Sending a heart to her mom as she makes her way up to her bedroom. Clearly Angela was up to no good. She was planning to bail out on their date tomorrow. 

A sudden change of nature is not likely for her, UNLESS it concerns anything to do with Kyungsoo alone. With her thoughts fixated on skipping her so-called agenda, she quickly dozed off to dreamland, hoping that a happy dream or two would relieve her of the stress she accumulated today.


"Angela wake up"

"Mom, Ay teld you not to weyke me up...thizz early...I have noeww planzz ov attending...our asjdsajfsl." The sleepyhead moaning out incomprehensible words then falling asleep again as quickly as it is.

"Kyungsoo dear, is she awake already?" Her mom voice ringing from the kitchen. "Almost, Mrs. Jeong." Kyungsoo's brisk reply, awaiting for not-a-moment-too-soon reaction from the sleeping mess right beside him. And he was right. Hearing his voice was enough to make Angela jump out of the covers, flabbergasted.

"Finally." A short relief statement coming out of Kyungsoo.

"Yah! What are you doing here? In our house, in my room!? Angela screaming out word per word, kicking Kyungsoo's right waist in the process of her tantrums. It was really not her intention to push him off the bed but it was too late. The Angelic being already tumbled down the lino with his bottom cushioning him from the fall. "Your mom let me in and I'm here to pick you up. It's a good thing I did." He said with a semi-irritated tone and hurt look on his face as he get up, dusting off his pants.

"Sorry! Kyung, are you okay?" Angela worriedly asked. Quickly getting out of bed, she ran towards him and lifted his shirt to check the pain she caused, making Kyungsoo snap a sudden shock response from what she did. "Hey!" Tugging down a snippet of his pricey white polo off her grasps.

"Just fix yourself and get down quickly." His last words before leaving the room. Angela's annoyed morning look is now replaced with a worried expression. Not because of the coming tasks ahead, but because of what she unconsciously did to Kyungsoo. *Sigh*

A few minutes later, a whole sixty minutes that is, Kyungsoo finally heard a door closing in from the second floor, anticipating a girl in a fairly pink dress, heels, make-up and all. But, she never ceases to amaze him. His fist curling expectancy was thrown out the window just like that. The heart-shaped smile he had on after hearing Angela's steps from above turned upside down. What a letdown, he thought.

"What is that?" Gesturing the whole Angela with his index finger, to which Angela innocently looked and replied "Clothes."

Deep inhales, darkening looks, frowning expression with a slight hint of pain in his face surely made him look like the non-gelic Angela called him to be. His patience is about to reach its peak. "I mean, jeans? sneakers? a t-shirt!? For heaven's sake Angela, you are going on a date wearing something like that?!" Kyungsoo sputtering sensible things at her, exasperated.

"First of all, you were the one who asked for a date and second, we're not rich like you." She sarcastically sputtered back, not wanting her mom to hear their conversation about a date.

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