Ch. 2 : Kyungsoo <3

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I was quite sure that my footing wasn't off. I swear someone pushed me down. But still, I guess good things come to those who wait. Thank God, this guy was here to catch me.

"Are you an Angel?" I blurted out still in my disoriented state. His beauty was incomparable to any other guy I've ever seen.

[Kyungsoo's P.O.V.]

"Pft! Angel?" Say what? "Come on let's get you back to class." I offered, disregarding the thought as I assist her.   


"Are you sure you're fine?" I needed something to break the silence between us yet her only reply was nod, too shy I guess.

We were walking down the hallway in order to get back to class. The room was just a couple of steps away when I grabbed her arm and halted her steps, "Wait, I forgot to introduce myself earlier. My name is Kyungsoo, but some of my friends call me Dyo. Angela, right?" 

[Back to Angela's P.O.V.]

Gosh! I can't believe that I'm walking along side with him. But what I really can't believe was what I said. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. I looked so stupid in front of him… 

Then again, I guess falling down a staircase ain't half bad every once in a while if it means being caught by an Angel that came from out of nowhere.

"You're Angela, right?" Hmm?

"Huh? Oh, yeah. Wait, how'd you know my name?" Returning a question back to him, befuddled.

"Silly. You introduced yourself in front of the class a while ago, didn't you?"  Kyungsoo exclaimed, trying to put me back on my proper senses. 

"Right, I kinda forgot. Sorry about that. Nice to meet you, too, Kyungsoo." Holding out a hand of mine to shake his. He did the same as well, but it didn't end there. He pulled me closer to him landing a kiss on my cheeks. As if my day couldn't have gotten much better, the door of our classroom suddenly opened widely, enough for the whole class to see what was going on. 

All their eyes were on us, their jaws dropping in astonishment like any minute it would fall off of their faces. My cheeks reddened. I don't know if that was one of my greatest moments or just one of my most embarrassing – the latter.

Seconds after the door opened, he detached his lips from my cheeks and let go of my hands. He left me standing there without a single word, just a smirk on his face.

With my cheeks all red and embarrassment filled the silence of our room. I hastily walked back to my seat, having noticed that the guy sleeping there before is gone. Now, I'm all alone, basking under the judging looks of my classmates. I tried looking at Kyungsoo but he was already busy checking his phone, living his life as if nothing had happened earlier.

God please just let me drift away to somewhere other than this place, better yet, just let the floor eat me? Their looks are slowly killing me. It even became worse. My classmates’ warm welcome earlier this morning turned cold just like that.

Time was moving really really slow as if a whole year had already passed, when…


At last! Freedom!

Class has already ended. Thank God! I can get out of this classroom.

I was about to leave. It was just one step away and I'm out, but as I thought, everything unclear was just starting to unfold.

Kyungsoo once again grabbed my arm and asked me where I was going. In the simplest and shortest way, I replied, "Faculty room, finalizing my paper works." As expected, all eyes were on us again, especially those of our girl classmates, glaring lasers us. No, wait, only me.

"I'll go there with you. You might get lost again." He offered. I basically accepted the nice thought just for the quick escape. If only their looks could kill, then I’d be dead by now.

So with his help, I quickly got to where I wanted to be, the Faculty Room. From the looks of it, he seems close to all the teachers. Well, who wouldn't like him? He's beaming his cute heart-shaped smile at everyone passing us by.

"Just sign here and you're all good." Mr. Richards told me. I'm officially a new student! But how come I have this feeling in my guts that says my world is just beginning to fall apart?


Kyungsoo even walked me home. There was something unusual about him that I can't seem to point out. Well first, the sudden kiss followed by a devilish smirk leaving me alone to be drowned by our classmates’ looks, then being overly good to me again. I don't get it.

It was an awkward walk home with him after everything that has happened. I never thought of my first day being like this, never in my life.

Is it good?

Is it bad?

I still don’t know…


Our house was just around the corner so I told him that it was okay if I go alone. But he didn't listen. He just shrugged it off thinking that what I said was just a suggestion.

"Um…Why is he being like this? I mean the kiss... then walking me home." I muffled to myself, but loud enough to make sure he hears. 

"Cause, I like you." He plainly answered back, my eyes darted a What-The-Heck!? look but it was only me staring at him. Not knowing what to say anymore, our conversation ended, just like that.

I like you…


We were now in front of my house. I bid him goodbye and turned my back on him but just like before, for the third time. Every time he gets a chance, he grabs me on my arm and lands another kiss, this time on my cheeks. The same reactions occurred to me, only more. My cheeks became all red, my heart pumping fast and my knees getting weaker by the minute. I was lost for a minute back, eyes blankly staring at his leaving presence.

"Bye, Angel." No goodbyes or anything, just another kiss on my cheeks. 


ahahaha..Has anyone had the same experience as Angela? Being kissed in front of the whole class? ahahah..Embarassing or Heavenly?? 

Stay tuned to what'sgoing to happen next.

Chapter 3 : Oh LIFE! !


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