[Author's Note] Please Read.

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Hi guys! 

Okay.........*le explains myself*

Here's how things are going.

1. I'm on last year or 5th year in my studying career in BS-Architecture, meaning I'll be busiest this time around. If I've been hiatus the 1st half of the year because I said I was busy, then it's going to be awfully more drastic this time around.

2. My THESIS journey had officially started this last Monday. I need to focus on that if I ever want to GRADUATE with flying colors. 

(See where I'm getting at right?)

3. I'll have some FREE TIME, definitely, but more or less I'll be using those to do some home works in some other subjects or get some sleep. So I can't promise you any weekly or daily or at the worst, monthly UPDATES. (You're going to start leaving me now, right?)

4. It's something I, me, have no control of. I do tell (not promise) you that I'll try to update IF! if ever I get the chance. Trust me, I'm itching to write the other chapters but my studies MUST come first. You do get my point, right?  That's my main priority.

5. I always do say this to myself, "WRITING should be FUN and not be an OBLIGATION.", but no. It started being a RESPONSIBILITY to supply you continuous updates in order to give back the SUPPORT that you've been giving me, and I'm sorry for always disappointing you with my ever non-ending HIATUS and reasons whatsoever...

But please do understand......

Second part of this is, I have already written a chapter saved in draft. WOULD YOU LIKE ME TO POST IT despite the fact that YOU WILL BE HANGED TO WAIT FOR THE NEXT ONE?

...or WOULD YOU LIKE TO WAIT UNTIL I CAN FINISH THE NEXT ONE AND POST IT BOTH AT THE SAME TIME? (Well, there's no guarantee that you won't be hanged on the next one either since it's an Author's job to keep his readers be in a constant state of wanting to know more about what's going to happen next...)

I'm actually rushing the 2nd update right now but I can't still guarantee you that I can finish it by tonight and tomorrow's a work day with my thesis partner...Friday is a school day of 7am-7pm..Saturday is an ovenight setup in my classmates house for an upcoming Midterm's tour on Sunday and be back to school on Monday again... that's the only time that I can continue it or finish it...

Aigoooo....stressed? Well don't even ask about my stress level at the current... -_- 

So which one is it? TO POST or not to POST?

I'll wait for your responses until FRIDAY, if you get lucky...My magic might work and be able to post both chapters by then...it's a 40/60 chance....

Last part, Again, thank you for everything. THIS STORY IS SOON TO END. And, I just can't be grateful enough to you guys for supporting me for over a year now. Yes, some came and continued reading, while some didn't. I don't blame them, partly it was my fault.

This story has been one of my GREATEST training grounds in writing. I've surely been better than when I first started. So I'm trying my best to be better and give you better updates everytime I get the chance.

THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! If it wasn't for you guys, I wouldn't have gotten through those tough times that I wanted to quit writing. All because, I'm the type of person that's only good with beginnings until midway...and if I ever find it stressing, blocked, or find it complicated to continue or finish....then I'm done...I'll be off, but no. I've found passion in writing and if by the time comes that I say goodbye to wattpad, I'll continue writing...and maybe someday...you'll see a published book under the same SAPPHIREBLUEofficial or be it in my real name...no one know's what's going to happen but yeah, I'll wish for the best.

I'll end this A/N here for now. Until then guys! See you!

And yeah, I've been thinking of revealing myself but I'll think about it some more. This FANBOY is really shy at times... PEACE OUT!

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