Ch. 32 : Sehun's I Love You and Baekhyun's I Like You

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A/N: Quick UD.


It’s when the days starts turning into weeks that a person begins to start and take things slow, then in a blink of an eye, these weeks form into months, forging a bond that might have just been created yesterday yet takes a whole lifetime to undo. Angela thinks of the same thing, too. Sitting quietly under the shade of the golden fire tree at the expanse of the roof garden which Baekhyun generously showed her in their first meeting, she does nothing, only beaming smiles as she enjoys the view of the late afternoon from where she is.

At first, she just finds the place utterly amazing but then looking back, she starts to notice her feet automatically trailing the same spot whenever she’s alone or having a free time during her days, when everyone else of her friends are too busy living their own lives, doing their own little things.

“Guess I’m right all along. You really are here.” Baekhyun shows up with his ever cute smiling face, making Angela turn half a body with a slight flustered look hanging on her face.

“Oh. Do you want some alone time? I mean, I can just go and –“ The young lad was about to go when she playfully rolls her eyes to the side and shushed him with all his nonsense.

“Stop being silly Baek. Come on, saved you a spot right here.”

Baekhyun assents, walking in his own cool pace with Angela scooting a smidge to the sides then patting a space on the grass telling him where to sit. It’s been ages since the last time they did this and she kind of missed it. Once Baekhyun was seated, the first few seconds were apparently awkward and silent. As if the both of them were gauging who would speak first and open a topic for the two, but Angela must have noticed the latter’s stillness that she opted to make do and start for both of their sake.


“Hmm?” He hums without looking.

“How come you always know where to find me?” Angela asks, “I mean, back at the party, you and Yeolli in my house and now…here.”

Baekhyun shifts to her with a surprised look, eyes wide and lips a bit parted.

“Nah, it’s not like I always know where to find you. I just have the slightest of idea of which places to look.” He says, returning his looks back to the settling sun glowing quite beautifully. Angela became more puzzled with his answer, she was about to ask again when he hears him snicker on his own. He continued,

“I guess, it just comes when you happen to …”


I’m just finishing up from our dance practice, baby.

Missed you! See you later, okay? <3

-Baby Hunnie

Kai and Bora went on ahead after cleaning up. Kai tells him that he’s got some errands to run to for his mom and Bora has Joongki waiting at the gates so she says that she must hurry and not make his ‘whatever’ wait for too long. So it’s just him and Hyorin lounging at the dance studio as they fix their own things.

“Noona, don’t you have anyone waiting for you?” Sehun breaks the silence in between.

“Nope, none that I know of. Why?” The older replies without one look spared at the younger.

“Nothing. It’s just that you’ve been single for way too long now.”

“Aw, ain’t that sweet. Our cute little Sehunnie is concerned for me~” Hyorin skips across the laminated wooden flooring, arms extended and ready to give Sehun a big hug, only to stop when he sees his reply shaking his head.

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